Great Basin
TSP Name:Great Basin Gas Transmission Company
Critical Notice Indicator:Y
Notice Status Description:Initiate
Notice Type:Operational Alert
Posting Date:06/10/2022
Posting Time:09:16 AM
Notice Effective Date:06/10/2022
Notice Effective Time:09:16 AM
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice Identifier:3634
Prior Notice Identifier:
Required Response Indicator:5
Response Date:
Response Time:
Subject:Operational Alert - High Line Pack

Notice Text:

Great Basin GTC is experiencing high line pack conditions and is requesting customers to stay on rate to avoid banking on its system. If high line pack conditions persist, Great Basin my issue an Operational Flow Order (OFO).

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to Great Basin Gas Transmission Scheduling at (702) 876-7332 or (800) 314-4843.
