Great Basin
TSP Name:Great Basin Gas Transmission Company
Critical Notice Indicator:Y
Notice Status Description:Initiate
Notice Type:Maintenance
Posting Date:03/01/2023
Posting Time:03:14 PM
Notice Effective Date:03/01/2023
Notice Effective Time:03:14 PM
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice Identifier:3670
Prior Notice Identifier:
Required Response Indicator:5
Response Date:
Response Time:
Subject:Unplanned Maintenance at Compressor Station No. 3

Notice Text:

Great Basin Gas Transmission Company (Great Basin) is currently experiencing technical problems at Compressor Station No. 3 (Paradise Compressor Station). Great Basin expects to have the maintenance completed tomorrow. At this time, Great Basin does not anticipate any impact on customer deliveries. Great Basin will provide notice when the situation changes.

Questions regarding the information in this notice may be directed to Great Basin Scheduling at (702) 876-7332. 
