Great Basin
TSP Name:Great Basin Gas Transmission Company
Critical Notice Indicator:N
Notice Status Description:Initiate
Notice Type:Press Release, Company News
Posting Date:05/04/2022
Posting Time:07:04 AM
Notice Effective Date:05/04/2022
Notice Effective Time:07:04 AM
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice Identifier:3625
Prior Notice Identifier:
Required Response Indicator:5
Response Date:
Response Time:
Subject:Delivery to Northwest Pipeline In Service

Notice Text:

Shippers will be able to deliver natural gas to Northwest Pipeline (Northwest) from Tuscarora Pipeline, Ruby Pipeline, or the LNG Plant via Great Basin effective with the Timely cycle for Gas Day May 5, 2022. Great Basin will accept backhaul nominations for delivery to Northwest via displacement to the extent of the volume of receipt at Great Basin’s Owyhee interconnect with Northwest.

Backhaul nominations are not subject to Gas Used by Great Basin. The delivery location code is 168193.

Also, effective Gas Day May 5, 2022, the provisions of Section 5.2(b) of the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) of Great Basin’s FERC Gas Tariff no longer apply in the event Northwest declares an entitlement period.  However, Great Basin requests that Shippers continue to comply with applicable Northwest Notices regarding pipeline operational matters. Great Basin reminds Shippers that it may implement an OFO though the provisions of Section 5.2(a) of the GT&C of its Tariff if Shippers are contributing to unacceptable operational or imbalance conditions on Great Basin.

Questions regarding this Notice may be directed to Carol Vogel, Great Basin Gas Scheduling Supervisor, at (702) 364-3490 or Great Basin Gas Scheduling at (702) 876-7332 or (800) 314-4843.
