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Cover Page | Cover PageSheet No. 11.0.001/23/2023
Table of Contents | page 1Sheet No. 20.0.010/01/20212 Ver. 0.pdfTABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL VOLUME NO. 1 SHEET NO. Preliminary Statement 3 Map - Location of Facilities 4 Statement of Rates 10 Rate Schedules: FT-1 Firm Transportation Service 19 IT-1 Interruptible Transportation Service 35 LGS-1 Firm Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Service 45 LGS-2 Interruptible Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Service 55 General Terms and Conditions 70 Section No. 1 Definitions 70 2 Gas Measurement and Measuring Equipment 85 3 Quality 95 4 Operating Procedures 101 5 Overrun and Underrun, Balancing and Penalty Payments 135 6 Force Majeure 150 7 Procedures for Obtaining Service 156 8 Possession of Gas and Responsibility 170 9 Warranty of Title 171 10 Billing and Payment 172 11 Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Provision 175 12 [Reserved] 176 13 Segmentation and Backhaul Transportation 178 14 Capacity Release 185 15 Revenue Crediting for Capacity Releases 204 16 Pregranted Abandonment and Right-of-First-Refusal 207 17 Internet Website 215 18 NAESB WGQ Standards 218 25 Transportation/Storage Service Request Form 221 Forms of Service Agreements 226 Rate Schedule FT-1 226 Rate Schedule IT-1 231 Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 235 Rate Schedule FT-1 Amendment 237 Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 Amendment 238 Non-conforming Service Agreements 240
Preliminary Statement | page 1Sheet No. 30.0.010/01/20213 Ver. 0.pdf PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Great Basin Gas Transmission Company, hereinafter referred to as "Great Basin' or 'Transporter', is a "natural gas company" as defined by the Natural Gas Act (52 Stat. 821, 15 U.S.C. ยง717-717w) and, as such, is subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, hereinafter referred to as "FERC" or "Commission." Great Basin is engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce. In conjunction with its transportation, Great Basin also engages in the storage and vaporization of liquefied natural gas. Great Basin's interstate transmission system extends from the Idaho-Nevada state boundary to the California/Nevada boundary. The major facilities of Great Basin's interstate transmission system are depicted on the map on the following tariff sheet. Services by Great Basin are rendered in accordance with terms and conditions and at rates contained in this FERC Gas Tariff. It is the policy of Great Basin to undertake services only pursuant to executed service agreements after consideration of its existing commitments, transmission system capacity, points of delivery and other factors deemed material by Great Basin. Great Basin specifically disclaims any undertaking on its part to provide service as a common or public carrier of natural gas or other goods for hire. Services which Great Basin may provide under compulsion of emergency circumstances involving public or private need or of governmental directive shall not serve to constitute Great Basin a common or public carrier of natural gas or other goods for hire. This FERC Gas Tariff is filed in compliance with Part 154, Subchapter E, Chapter 1, Title 18, of the Code of Federal Regulations.
System Map | page 1Sheet No. 40.0.010/01/20214 Ver. 0.pdfThe System Map may be displayed and downloaded from Great Basin Gas Transmission Company's Internet Website at the address below: http://www.GreatBasinGTC.com/other/Map.pdf
System Map | ReservedSheet No. 50.0.010/01/20215 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 5 - 9
Statement of Rates | page 1Sheet No. 100.0.010/01/202110 Ver. 0.pdfSTATEMENT OF RATES Effective Rates Under Rate Schedules Contained in FERC Gas Tariff Original Volume No. 1 ____________________________________ The charges shown below are stated in dollars per dekatherm. Category 1 Category 2 Base Base Tariff Rate _Tariff_Rate (less than 5 years) (5 years or more) Rate Schedule and Type of Charge Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum FT 1 Firm Transportation Service Reservation Charge $10.2507 $ 0.0000 $ 10.0751 $ 0.0000 Usage Charge [1] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Daily Reservation Charge 0.3370 0.3312 Elko Incremental Facilities Surcharge 7.3189 7.2266 2010 Expansion Incremental Facilities Surcharge 14.5299 14.0424 2015 Elko Area Expansion Incremental Facilities Surcharge 19.3532 18.6687 2018 Expansion Incremental Facilities Surcharge 51.7211 49.6434 Category 1 Category 2 Base Base Tariff Rate _Tariff_Rate_ (less than 5 years) (5 years or more) Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum LGS 1 Firm Liquefied Natural Gas Service Storage Charge $ 0.3118 $ 0.0000 $ 0.3080 $0.0000 Delivery Charge 4.1159 0.0000 4.0653 0.0000 Injection Charge 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Withdrawal Charge 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Base Tariff Rate IT-1 - Interruptible Transportation Service Maximum Minimum Usage Charge [1] $ 0.3370 $ 0.0010
Statement of Rates | page 2Sheet No. 110.0.010/01/202111 Ver. 0.pdfSTATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Base Tariff Rate Maximum Minimum LGS 2 ' Interruptible Liquefied Natural Gas Service Volumetric Charge $ 0.6236 $ 0.0010 FOOTNOTES [1] This rate does not include any amount for the ACA charge that may be applicable to this rate. The currently effective ACA charge per dekatherm as specified by the FERC on its website (www.ferc.gov) is incorporated herein by reference.
Statement of Rates | ReservedSheet No. 120.0.010/01/202112 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 12 - 18
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 1Sheet No. 190.0.010/01/202119 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 1. AVAILABILITY This rate schedule is available to any party (herein called 'Shipper') for the firm transportation of natural gas by Transporter from the Receipt Point(s) on Transporter's system to the Delivery Point(s) on Transporter's system, under the following conditions: 1.1 Shipper has made a valid request for firm transportation service and has met the requirements set forth in Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; 1.2 Transporter has determined that it has available capacity to render the requested service without construction of any additional facilities, unless Transporter has agreed in writing either to construct additional facilities or to make any other such investment in order to effectuate service under this Rate Schedule FT-1, by means of a system capacity expansion project or as provided by Section 6 hereof; 1.3 Transporter shall not be obligated to allow any taps, add any facilities, or expand the capacity of Transporter's pipeline system in any manner to provide transportation service to Shipper pursuant to this rate schedule; 1.4 Shipper and Transporter have executed a Service Agreement in the form contained in this tariff for service under this rate schedule; and 1.5 It is the Shipper's responsibility to assure that all facilities installed and owned by Shipper or operated on behalf of Shipper upstream of a receipt point or downstream of a delivery point comply with all applicable governmental regulations and design requirements for their intended use (i.e., pressure, control, etc.). 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE This rate schedule shall apply to gas transported by Transporter for Shipper pursuant to the executed Service Agreement. 2.1 The basic transportation service rendered under this rate schedule shall consist of: (a) The receipt by Transporter of Shipper's gas at the Receipt Point(s) in quantities not to exceed Shipper's applicable Reserved Capacity;
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 2Sheet No. 200.0.010/01/202120 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE (Continued) (b) The transportation of gas up to Shipper's applicable Reserved Capacity through Transporter's system; and (c) The delivery by Transporter at the Delivery Point(s) of the thermally equivalent quantity of Shipper's gas received at the Receipt Point(s), less Gas Used by Great Basin. 2.2 The service provided under this rate schedule shall be firm up to Shipper's applicable Reserved Capacity. Such service shall not be subject to curtailment, except due to operating conditions or conditions of force majeure on Transporter's system as set forth in Section 4.5 and Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. In the event of such curtailment, Paiute shall provide service as follows: (a) Transporter shall provide Shipper with as much advance notice as is practical of any curtailment or interruption of service; (b) Shipper's service under this rate schedule shall be curtailed in accordance with Section 4 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; and (c) Transporter may, to the extent feasible, and in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory, continue to receive Shipper's gas at the Receipt Point(s) during the period of curtailment, and shall, when feasible, redeliver such gas at the Delivery Point(s). Transporter shall waive any penalty payments that may otherwise be due pursuant to Section 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff for any imbalance occurring as a result of such curtailment, or that are associated with correction of such imbalance during a subsequent period. 3. RATES 3.1 The rates and charges for service under this schedule shall be set forth in the Statement of Rates, and if, applicable, any charges pursuant to Section 3 of this Rate Schedule. A Shipper's Reservation Charge and applicable Incremental Facilities Surcharges, shown below in subsection 3.2, shall be based on the term-differentiated rate, i.e. Category 1 Rates or Category 2 Rates, applicable to the remaining primary term of the Firm Transportation Agreement. Category 1 rates are applicable to contracts that are either currently in evergreen status or have a remaining primary term of less than 5 years. Category 2 rates are applicable to contracts that have a remaining primary term of at least 5 years.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 3Sheet No. 210.0.010/01/202121 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 3. RATES (Continued) For Firm Transportation Agreements with Daily Reserved Capacity that have primary receipt point rights at the LNG Plant, the Category 1 rates are applicable to contracts that are either in evergreen status or have a primary remaining term of less than 5 years. For Firm Transportation Agreements with Daily Reserved Capacity that have primary receipt point rights at the LNG Plant, the Category 2 rates are applicable to contracts that have a primary remaining term of at least 5 years. The Shippers contract shall remain in that calculated Category until: (1) such time an extension is signed that increases the primary term to the next available Category (i.e. Category 1 to Category 2), or (2) the contract goes into evergreen status, at which point said contract will be charged the Category 1 rates. 3.2 Shipper shall pay Transporter monthly the sum of the following charges: Reservation Charge: A charge per Dth of Shipper's applicable Reserved Capacity for the month. Usage Charge: A charge per Dth of natural gas scheduled for Shipper for transportation hereunder, less Gas Used by Great Basin, during the month. Elko Incremental A charge per Dth for an Incremental Monthly Facilities Surcharge Billing Determinant of 1,496 Dth specified for Southwest Gas Corporation Northern Nevada. This charge is for incremental facilities authorized in the expansion certificate in Docket No. CP95 285. For purposes of determining the rate Category applicable to this surcharge, Shipper's Base Contract (Transportation Service Agreement No. F49 or successor) will be used. 2010 Expansion In lieu of the Reservation Charge, a charge Incremental Facilities per Dth of the applicable Reserved Capacity Surcharge of (1) 1,657 Dth per day specified for Southwest Gas Corporation ' Northern California and (2) 608 Dth per day specified for Southwest Gas Corporation ' Northern Nevada for facilities authorized in the expansion certificate in Docket No. CP10-41. 2015 Elko Area In lieu of the Reservation Charge, a charge Expansion Incremental per Dth of the applicable Reserved Capacity Facilities Surcharge of (1) 21,275 Dth per day specified for Southwest Gas Corporation ' Northern Nevada and (2) 719 Dth per day specified for Newmont
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 4Sheet No 220.0.010/01/202122 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT-1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 3. RATES (Continued) Mining Corporation for facilities authorized in the expansion certificate in Docket No. CP14-509. In addition, Shippers shall be responsible for their proportionate share of any quantities of gas needed to replenish linepack, as requested by Transporter from time to time. 2018 Expansion In lieu of the Reservation Charge, a charge Incremental Facilities per Dth of the applicable Reserved Capacity of Surcharge (1) 4,604 Dth per day specified for Southwest Gas Corporation-Northern Nevada and (2) 1,031 Dth per day specified for Southwest Gas Corporation-Northern California for facilities authorized in the expansion certificate in Docket No. CP17-471. Lake Tahoe Facilities A charge per Dth equivalent to the Incremental Monthly Reservation Charge for an Incremental Deliverability Monthly Billing Determinant of 2,455 Dth Surcharge specified for Southwest Gas Corporation Northern Nevada. This charge is for downstream deliverability capacity created by the facilities authorized in the expansion certificate in Docket No. CP94 29. The costs and the billing determinant of 2,455 Dth were rolled into the calculation of the Reservation Charge in Docket No. RP09-406. For purposes of determining the rate Category applicable to this surcharge, Shipper's Base Contract (Transportation Service Agreement No. F49 or successor) will be used. Transporter may, from time to time and at any time selectively, adjust any or all the rates stated above with respect to any individual Shipper or transportation service in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory; provided, however, that such adjusted rate(s) shall not exceed the applicable maximum rate(s) or be less than the applicable minimum rate(s). Such discounts granted will not constitute a material deviation from Transporter's Form of Service Agreement or Form of Amended Service Agreement. The maximum and minimum rates shall be those as set forth from time to time on the currently effective Statement of Rates of this tariff, which rates are incorporated herein by reference. 3.3 In addition to the charges set forth above, Shipper shall: (a) Provide quantities to Transporter pursuant to Section 7 hereof for Gas Used by Great Basin; and, (b) Pay any penalties, fees or other charges which may be assessed pursuant to Section 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 5Sheet No. 230.0.010/01/202123 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 4. MINIMUM BILL The minimum bill per month shall be the Reservation Charges. 5. RESERVED CAPACITIES Shipper's Reserved Capacities shall be specified in the executed Service Agreement between Transporter and Shipper providing for service under this rate schedule. The individual Reserved Capacities are as follows: 5.1 The Daily Reserved Capacity, as specified in the Service Agreement, shall be the largest daily quantity of capacity that Transporter is obligated to make available to Shipper for firm transportation under this rate schedule during the Winter Period. 5.2 The Summer Daily Reserved Capacity, as specified in the Service Agreement, shall be the largest daily quantity of capacity that Transporter is obligated to make available to Shipper for firm transportation under this rate schedule during the Summer Period. 6. FACILITY ADDITIONS 6.1 For purposes of this Section 6, the term 'facilities' is defined as facilities that are necessary for the receipt of gas from, or the delivery of gas to, one or more Shippers. Facilities include, but are not limited to, receipt and delivery laterals, and receipt and delivery point equipment. Facilities do not include any additional mainline compression or mainline pipeline looping or replacement, or any facilities that increase Transporter's mainline transmission capacity. This section does not apply to receipt or delivery facilities constructed by Transporter to accommodate new transportation commitments solicited by Transporter through an open season. 6.2 Transporter shall not be obligated to install additional facilities; provided, however, Transporter may install, or Shipper may pay all of the costs (including a gross-up for applicable state and federal income taxes) incurred for installing, additional facilities on a not unduly discriminatory basis and under terms that are mutually agreeable. In the event Transporter incurs the cost of installing additional facilities on behalf of a Shipper, Shipper shall pay, in addition to the rate(s) stated in this Rate Schedule FT-1, the prorated (based on Daily Reserved Capacity) cost of service attributable to any such additional facilities until such time as a different allocation procedure is specified by Commission order. If there is no additional Daily Reserved Capacity attributable to such new facilities, Shipper and Transporter shall mutually agree on a method for Shipper to compensate Transporter for the use of the facilities.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 6Sheet No 240.0.010/01/202124 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 6. FACILITY ADDITIONS (Continued) (a) Determination of the initial cost of service shall be consistent with the principles underlying Transporter's currently effective firm transportation rates at the time Transporter and Shipper execute an agreement for the construction of the facilities. The cost of service shall be revised to reflect updated cost factors associated with any general rate change implemented by Transporter. The revised cost of service shall be effective coincident with the date that Transporter's new general firm transportation service rates become effective. (b) Shipper may elect at any time to cease paying the cost of service surcharge under this Section 6.2 by paying Transporter for the then remaining net book value of the facilities, including any gross-up for applicable state and federal income taxes. (c) If Shipper elects to pay a cost of service surcharge and subsequently ceases to be a Rate Schedule FT-1 Shipper (unless its obligations hereunder have been assumed by a replacement shipper), Shipper will pay Transporter for the then remaining net book value of the facilities, including any gross-up for applicable state and federal income taxes, within 30 days after Transporter submits an invoice to Shipper. (d) Transporter may waive from time to time, at its discretion, all or a portion of the facility cost reimbursement requirement set forth in this Section 6 if Shipper provides Transporter adequate assurance of transportation revenue to make the construction of facilities economical to Transporter, in Transporter's sole, good faith judgment. All requests for waiver shall be handled by Transporter in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory. 6.3 Transporter will not construct facilities hereunder which will compromise the operational integrity of Transporter's pipeline system or adversely affect its ability to meet its existing firm service obligations. Transporter will own and operate all facilities constructed hereunder. 6.4 Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, Transporter will only be responsible for the operation and maintenance of its own properties and facilities and will not be responsible for the operation and maintenance of any other properties or facilities connected in any way with the transportation of natural gas.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 7Sheet No 250.0.010/01/202125 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 7. GAS USED BY GREAT BASIN Shipper shall provide its proportionate share of the Gas Used by Great Basin in its day to day operations for transportation hereunder, in accordance with Section 4.2(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 8. MEASUREMENT BASE Refer to Section 2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 9. HEAT CONTENT Refer to Section 3.1(e) and Section 3.2(e) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 10. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The General Terms and Conditions contained in this tariff are applicable to this rate schedule and are hereby made a part hereof. 11. RESERVATION CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS 11.1 Subject to the provisions and limitations of this Section 11, if, during any day, Transporter fails to (1) transport for Shipper on that day the quantity of natural gas scheduled by Transporter for delivery to Shipper for transportation under a Service Agreement subject to this rate schedule pursuant to the normal scheduling procedures set forth in Section 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff, or (2) accept on that day for normal scheduling under such Section 4.2 the quantity of natural gas nominated by Shipper for transportation under a Service Agreement subject to this rate schedule, up to Shipper's applicable Reserved Capacity (i.e., Daily Reserved Capacity or Summer Daily Reserved Capacity), less any capacity released by Shipper on such day, and as qualified by this Section 11 and the provisions of Section 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions, then the reservation charge otherwise payable by Shipper during the month in which such day occurs may be reduced, as prescribed in this Section 11.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 8Sheet No 260.0.010/01/202126 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 11. RESERVATION CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS (Continued) The scheduling and transportation from the LNG Plant Receipt Point of natural gas to be withdrawn from storage at the LNG Plant for Shipper is subject to Shipper's having sufficient supplies of liquefied natural gas in storage at the LNG Plant and the scheduling of gas for withdrawal from the LNG Plant pursuant to the terms and provisions of this tariff. 11.2 Subject to the provisions of this Section 11, Shipper will be entitled to receive a reservation charge adjustment if Transporter fails to transport or accept for scheduling the quantity of gas requested by Shipper due to an event of force majeure, as set forth in Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff, or an event of non routine repairs or maintenance which, if not performed promptly, would likely lead to an operating malfunction or equipment failure or damage, provided that the need for such non-routine repairs or maintenance has not been caused by negligence on the part of Transporter. If Transporter's negligence has caused the need for such non-routine repairs or maintenance and there is no force majeure event, then the provisions of this Section 11.2 shall not apply. The reservation charge adjustment shall be computed by multiplying (i) the quantity of Shipper's scheduled gas that Transporter failed to transport on the first Day that the force majeure event occurred; plus (ii) the quantity of Shipper's scheduled gas that Transporter failed to deliver on the Day following the first Day of the force majeure event if the force majeure event occurred after the Timely Nomination cycle on the Day prior to flow (or the quantity of gas that Shipper nominated in such Timely Nomination Cycle but Transporter failed to deliver, if the force majeure event occurred after such nomination but prior to its confirmation); plus (iii) for each Day of the force majeure event following the Days described in (i) and (ii) above, if any, the average of the daily primary firm quantities of gas transported for Shipper for the seven Days immediately prior to the first Day of the force majeure event, less any quantities of gas transported for Shipper on such Day, to the extent that the difference is positive; by the portion of the Daily Reservation Charge set forth on Sheet No. 10 of this tariff that represents Transporter's equity return and associated income taxes. Such portion of the Daily Reservation Charge will be referred to as the 'Daily Reservation Charge Equity and Tax Component'. The Daily Reservation Charge Equity and Tax Component will be posted on Transporter's Internet website, along with the derivation of such component. Reservation charge adjustments are not applicable to any transportation quantities in (i), (ii), or (iii) above that utilized a Secondary Receipt Point or Secondary Delivery Location.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 9Sheet No 270.0.010/01/202127 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 11. RESERVATION CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS (Continued) For capacity release transactions, the reservation charge adjustment applicable to the Replacement Shipper shall be computed by multiplying the quantity that Transporter so failed to transport or accept for scheduling on such Day by the daily reservation charge payable by the Releasing Shipper or the daily reservation charge payable by the Replacement Shipper, whichever is less, multiplied by the Daily Reservation Charge Equity and Tax Component expressed as a percentage of the Daily Reservation Charge set forth on in the Statement of Rates in this tariff. If the Replacement Shipper is paying a volumetric rate, no reservation charge adjustment will be provided. 11.3 On a Day for which Transporter gives advance notice of a non-force majeure capacity limitation and it is unable to schedule all gas nominated by Shipper for that Day, Transporter will calculate a reservation charge adjustment for such Shipper. The reservation charge adjustment shall be calculated as the lesser of (i) Shipper's applicable Daily Reserved Capacity; (ii) the average of Shipper's previous seven days' daily primary firm quantities transported that occurred immediately prior to the service interruption; or (iii) such quantity as Shipper has nominated for that Day; minus the quantity scheduled for that Day, which difference, if positive, will be multiplied by the daily reservation charge set forth in the Statement of Rates in this tariff. If Transporter's notice of non-force majeure capacity limitation is not provided until after the Timely Nomination Cycle then the seven day average criteria in (ii) above will not apply. Daily reservation charge adjustments are not applicable to any transportation quantities in (i), (ii), or (iii) above that utilized a Secondary Receipt Point or Secondary Delivery Location. On Days when Shipper's nominations are curtailed in the Timely Nomination Cycle and, as a result, Shipper nominates volumes on another pipeline, Shipper will not be required to re-nominate quantities that have been determined to be restricted in a nomination cycle after the Timely Nomination Cycle to receive its applicable reservation charge adjustment for that Day.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 10Sheet No 280.0.010/01/202128 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 11. RESERVATION CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS (Continued) For capacity release transactions, the reservation charge adjustment applicable to the Replacement Shipper shall be computed by multiplying the quantity that Transporter so failed to transport or accept for scheduling on such day by the daily reservation charge payable by the Releasing Shipper or the daily reservation charge payable by the Replacement Shipper, whichever is less. If the Replacement Shipper is paying a volumetric rate, no reservation charge adjustment will be provided. 11.4 The Reservation Charge adjustment provided in this Section 11 shall not apply: (a) to a firm Shipper that is unable to schedule out-of-path transportation, or transportation at a secondary Receipt Point or Delivery Location; (b) to a firm Shipper that is unable to schedule at a Receipt Point or Delivery Location due to that point or location being scheduled properly by an alternate firm or interruptible Shipper in an earlier nomination cycle, which is not eligible to be reduced (bumped) in the current cycle; (c) when Shipper: (1) fails to properly nominate or confirm pursuant to the scheduling timeline and requirements of Section 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions and/or the other scheduling provisions of this tariff; or (2) fails to deliver gas that conforms to the quality or pressure specifications detailed in Sections 3 and 4 of the General Terms and Conditions; or (3) does not comply with a restricted delivery entitlement notification pursuant to Section 5.2 of the General Terms and Conditions; (4) fails to deliver such gas to Transporter (including the failure to provide for the withdrawal of any necessary quantities of gas from the LNG Plant when such failure is attributable to Shipper), or to Shipper's or Receiving Party's inability to accept delivery of such gas;
Rate Schedule FT-1 | page 11Sheet No 290.0.010/01/202129 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE FT 1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 11. RESERVATION CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS (Continued) (d) to volumes in excess of: (1) Shipper's applicable Daily Reserved Capacity or Summer Daily Reserved Capacity; (2) a specified contract service limitation; or (3) the maximum daily quantities that are contractually specified at a particular Delivery Point or Delivery Location; and (e) when Transporter's failure to schedule or deliver Shipper's gas was due to conditions on upstream pipelines that prevented Transporter from receiving Shipper's gas for transportation; or (f) when Transporter's failure to schedule or deliver is the result of any other conduct of Shipper. 11.5 Reservation charge adjustments pursuant to this Section 11 are Shipper's sole remedy for damages relating to Transporter's failure to provide primary firm transportation service under Rate Schedule FT-1, unless such damages result from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Transporter.
Rate Schedule FT-1 | ReservedSheet No 300.0.010/01/202130 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 30 ' 34
Rate Schedule IT-1 | page 1Sheet No 350.0.010/01/202135 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE IT 1 INTERRUPTIBLE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 1. AVAILABILITY This rate schedule is available as provided herein to any party (herein called "Shipper") for the interruptible transportation of natural gas by Transporter from the Receipt Point(s) on Transporter's system to the Delivery Point(s) on Transporter's system, under the following conditions: 1.1 Shipper has made a valid request for interruptible transportation service and has met the requirements set forth in Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; 1.2 Transporter has determined that it has available capacity to render the requested service without construction of any additional facilities, except as provided by Section 5 hereof, and without impairing deliveries to Transporter's Shippers receiving firm services under other rate schedules of this tariff; 1.3 Transporter shall not be obligated to allow any taps, add any facilities, or expand the capacity of Transporter's pipeline system in any manner to provide transportation service to Shipper pursuant to this rate schedule; 1.4 Shipper and Transporter have executed a Service Agreement in the form contained in this tariff for service under this rate schedule. 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE This rate schedule shall apply to gas transported by Transporter for Shipper pursuant to the executed Service Agreement. 2.1 The basic transportation service rendered under this rate schedule shall consist of: (a) The receipt by Transporter of Shipper's gas at the Receipt Point(s) in quantities not to exceed Shipper's applicable contracted Daily Capacity; (b) The transportation of Shipper's gas through Transporter's system; and (c) The delivery by Transporter at the Delivery Point(s) of the thermally equivalent quantity of Shipper's gas received at the Receipt Point(s), less Gas Used by Great Basin.
Rate Schedule IT-1 | page 2Sheet No 360.0.010/01/202136 Ver. 0.pdf RATE SCHEDULE IT 1 INTERRUPTIBLE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE (Continued) 2.2 The service provided under this rate schedule shall be interruptible and shall be subject to interruption at any time when Transporter determines that the total requests for service hereunder exceed Transporter's capability to meet such requests, or due to operating conditions or conditions of force majeure on Transporter's system as set forth in Section 4.5 and Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. In the event of such interruption, Transporter shall provide service as follows: (a) Transporter shall provide Shipper with as much advance notice as is practical of any interruption of service; (b) Shipper's service under this rate schedule shall be interrupted in accordance with Section 4 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; and (c) Unless service to higher priority Shippers will be impaired, Transporter may, to the extent feasible, and in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory, continue to receive Shipper's gas at the Receipt Point(s) during the period of interruption, and shall, when feasible, redeliver such gas at the Delivery Point(s). Transporter shall waive any penalty payments that may otherwise be due pursuant to Section 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff for any imbalance occurring as a result of the interruption, or that are associated with correction of such imbalance during a subsequent period. 3. RATES 3.1 Shipper shall pay Transporter each month an amount equal to the applicable Usage Charge for each Dth of natural gas scheduled for Shipper for transportation hereunder less Gas Used by Transporter, during the month. Transporter may, from time to time and at any time selectively, adjust any or all of the rates stated above with respect to any individual Shipper or transportation service in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory; provided however, that such adjusted rate(s) shall not exceed the applicable maximum rate(s) or be less than the applicable minimum rate(s). The maximum and minimum rates shall be those as set forth from time to time on the currently effective Statement of Rates in this tariff, which rates are incorporated herein by reference. Such discounts granted will not constitute a material deviation from Transporter's Form of Service Agreement.
Rate Schedule IT-1 | page 3Sheet No 370.0.010/01/202137 Ver. 0.pdf RATE SCHEDULE IT 1 INTERRUPTIBLE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 3. RATES (Continued) 3.2 In addition to the charges set forth above, Shipper shall: (a) Provide quantities to Transporter pursuant to Section 6 hereof for Gas Used by Great Basin; and, (b) Pay any penalties, fees or other charges which may be assessed pursuant to Section 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 4. MINIMUM BILL None. 5. FACILITY ADDITIONS 5.1 For purposes of this Section 5, the term 'facilities' is defined as facilities that are necessary for the receipt of gas from, or the delivery of gas to, one or more Shippers. Facilities include, but are not limited to, receipt and delivery laterals, and receipt and delivery point equipment. Facilities do not include any facilities that increase Transporter's mainline transmission capacity, such as additional mainline compression or mainline pipeline looping or replacement. 5.2 Transporter shall not be obligated to install additional facilities; provided, however, Transporter may install additional facilities if Shipper pays all of the costs (including a gross-up for applicable state and federal income taxes) incurred for installing such additional facilities prior to the commencement of service under terms that are mutually agreeable. Transporter may waive from time to time, at its discretion, all or a portion of the facility cost reimbursement requirement set forth in this Section 5 if Shipper provides Transporter adequate assurance of transportation revenue to make the construction of facilities economical to Transporter, in Transporter's sole, good faith judgment. All requests for waiver shall be handled by Transporter in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory.
Rate Schedule IT-1 | page 4Sheet No 380.0.010/01/202138 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE IT 1 INTERRUPTIBLE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 5. FACILITY ADDITIONS (Continued) 5.3 Transporter will not construct facilities hereunder which will compromise the operational integrity of Transporter's pipeline system or adversely affect its ability to meet its existing firm service obligations. Transporter will own and operate all facilities constructed hereunder. 5.4 Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, Transporter will only be responsible for the operation and maintenance of its own properties and facilities and will not be responsible for the operation and maintenance of any other properties or facilities connected in any way with the transportation of natural gas. 6. GAS USED BY GREAT BASIN Shipper shall provide its proportionate share of the Gas Used by Great Basin in its day to day operations for transportation hereunder, in accordance with Section 4.2(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 7. MEASUREMENT BASE Refer to Section 2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 8. HEAT CONTENT Refer to Section 3.1(e) and Section 3.2(e) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 9. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The General Terms and Conditions contained in this tariff are applicable to this rate schedule and are hereby made a part hereof.
Rate Schedule IT-1 | ReservedSheet No 390.0.010/01/202139 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 39 - 44
Future Use | Future UseSheet No. 401.0.012/15/201540 Ver. 1.pdfReserved for Future Use Sheet No. 40, Version 1.0.0
Future Use | Future UseSheet No. 411.0.012/15/201541 Ver. 1.pdfReserved for Future Use Sheet No._41, Version 1.0.0
Future Use | Future UseSheet No. 421.0.012/15/201542 Ver. 1.pdfReserved for Future Use Sheet No._42, Version 1.0.0
Future Use | Future UseSheet No. 430.1.012/15/201543 Ver. 0.1.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 43 - 44
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | page 1Sheet No 450.0.010/01/202145 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 1 FIRM LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 1. AVAILABILITY This rate schedule is available to any party (herein called "Shipper") for the liquefaction, storage and vaporization of natural gas by Transporter at Transporter's liquefied natural gas facility near Lovelock, Nevada (herein called "LNG Plant") for delivery to Transporter's pipeline system for transportation to Shipper's Delivery Point(s) on Transporter's system under the following conditions: 1.1 Shipper has made a valid request for firm liquefied natural gas storage service and has met the requirements set forth in Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; 1.2 Transporter has determined that it has available capacity to render the requested service without construction of any additional facilities; 1.3 Shipper receives service on Transporter's system under a transportation rate schedule in this tariff; and 1.4 Shipper and Transporter have executed a Service Agreement in the form contained in this tariff for service under this rate schedule. 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE This rate schedule shall apply to the firm liquefied natural gas storage service rendered by Transporter to Shipper pursuant to the executed Service Agreement. 2.1 The basic service rendered under this rate schedule shall consist of the following, which shall be provided by Transporter on a firm basis: (a) The receipt and liquefaction by Transporter of Shipper's natural gas nominated to the inlet of Transporter's LNG Plant, less Gas Used by Great Basin pursuant to Section 5 hereof; (b) The receipt by Transporter of liquefied natural gas (herein called "LNG") for Shipper tendered to the LNG truck unloading facility at Transporter's LNG Plant; (c) The storage of the LNG at Transporter's LNG Plant for Shipper in quantities not to exceed Shipper's applicable Storage Capacity under this rate schedule;
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | page 2Sheet No 460.0.010/01/202146 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 1 FIRM LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE (Continued) (d) The vaporization of such stored liquid on demand by Shipper pursuant to Section 4.7(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff in quantities not to exceed Shipper's Daily Delivery Capacity; and (e) The delivery of equivalent quantities of natural gas, less Gas Used by Transporter pursuant to Section 5 hereof, vaporized from Shipper's LNG inventory pursuant to Section 4.7(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff for Shipper into Transporter's pipeline system at the point of interconnection between Transporter's LNG Plant and its main transmission line. 2.2 The service rendered under this rate schedule shall be firm and shall not be subject to curtailment, except due to operating conditions or conditions of force majeure on Transporter's system as set forth in Section 4.5 and Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. In the event of such curtailment, Transporter shall provide service as follows: (a) Transporter shall provide Shipper with as much advance notice as is practical of any curtailment of service; (b) Shipper's service under this rate schedule shall be curtailed on a pro rata basis in proportion to the ratio of its nomination for the day of such curtailment for service under this rate schedule up to its Daily Delivery Capacity hereunder to the total of all nominations for such day for service under this rate schedule as set forth in Section 4.7(d)(3) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; and (c) While Transporter shall not be responsible for any curtailment that is due to Shipper's failure to adequately maintain its LNG inventory or to schedule the use of such inventory, Transporter, in the event of such situations, will permit Shipper to arrange for the transfer of inventory balance among the other Shippers, in accordance with Section 4.7(c)(5) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 3. RATES 3.1 The rates and charges for service under this schedule shall be set forth in the Statement of Rates, and if, applicable, any charges pursuant to Section 3 of this Rate Schedule. A Shipper's Storage Charge, Delivery Charge, Injection Charge, and Withdrawal Charge shown below in subsection 3.2, shall be based on the term- differentiated rate, i.e. Category 1 Rates or Category 2 Rates, applicable to the remaining primary term of the Firm
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | page 3Sheet No 470.0.010/01/202147 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 1 FIRM LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 3. RATES (Continued) Storage Service Agreement. Category 1 rates are applicable to contracts that are either currently in evergreen status or have a remaining primary term of less than 5 years. Category 2 rates are applicable to contracts that have a remaining primary term of at least 5 years. The Shippers contract shall remain in that calculated Category until: (1) such time an extension is signed that increases the primary term to the next available Category (i.e. Category 1 to Category 2), or (2) the contract goes into evergreen status, at which point said contract will be charged the Category 1 rates. 3.2 Shipper shall pay Transporter monthly the sum of the following charges: Storage Charge: A charge per Dth of Shipper's Storage Capacity. Delivery Charge: A charge per Dth of Shipper's Daily Delivery Capacity. Injection Charge: A charge per Dth of natural gas received by Transporter during the month for liquefaction hereunder. This charge shall not apply to LNG tendered for receipt into storage at the LNG truck unloading facility. Withdrawal Charge: A charge per Dth of LNG converted into the gaseous phase by Transporter during the month for delivery hereunder. The charges shall be those as set forth from time to time on the currently effective Statement of Rates of this tariff, which charges are incorporated herein by reference. Transporter may, from time to time and at any time selectively, adjust any or all of the rates stated above with respect to any individual Shipper or storage service in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory; provided, however, that such adjusted rate(s) shall not exceed the applicable maximum rate(s) or be less than the applicable minimum rate(s). Such discounts granted will not constitute a material deviation from Transporter's Form of Service Agreement, or Form of Amended Service Agreement.
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | page 4Sheet No 47-A0.0.010/01/202147-A Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 1 FIRM LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 3. RATES (Continued) 3.3 Each Shipper holding firm storage entitlement rights under this rate schedule during a calendar year (including Replacement Shippers) shall receive a credit for its proportionate share of 90% of the revenues collected by Transporter (after deduction by Transporter of all applicable surcharge amounts) for service rendered under Rate Schedule LGS-2 during such calendar year. Transporter shall be entitled to retain the remaining 10% of such revenues. The credit for each Shipper shall be calculated by multiplying the total of the revenues to be credited by a percentage determined by dividing the total Storage Charges and Delivery Charges paid by Shipper for service rendered under this rate schedule during such calendar year by the total of such charges paid by all Shippers for service under this rate schedule during such calendar year. Credits shall be reflected on invoices rendered in March for February services.
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | page 5Sheet No 480.0.010/01/202148 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 1 FIRM LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 4. MINIMUM BILL The minimum bill per month shall be the sum of the Storage and Delivery Charges. 5. GAS USED BY GREAT BASIN In addition to the charges set forth above, Shipper shall provide its proportionate share of the Gas Used by Great Basin in its day to day operations at the LNG Plant. Unless otherwise revised as a result of the annual audit described in Section 4.7(c)(2) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff, the daily quantity of Gas Used by Great Basin will be determined by the following: 5.1 LNG Liquefaction: Twenty one percent (21%) of the quantity liquefied on a given day. This factor shall not apply to LNG tendered for receipt into storage at the LNG truck unloading facility. 5.2 LNG Vaporized: Three percent (3%) of the quantity vaporized on a given day. 5.3 On days when the LNG Plant is in standby mode (i.e., performing no liquefaction or vaporization service for Shippers), fuel consumed in the LNG Plant's operations will be deducted from daily boil-off quantities. 6. STORAGE AND DELIVERY CAPACITIES Shipper's capacities shall be specified in the executed Service Agreement between Transporter and Shipper providing for service under this rate schedule. Such capacities shall represent Transporter's maximum service obligations to Shipper under this rate schedule in the circumstances to which they are applicable. The individual capacities are as follows: 6.1 The Storage Capacity shall be the largest quantity of liquefied natural gas inventory that Transporter is obligated to hold at any time for the account of Shipper at its LNG Plant. The inventory quantities shall be accounted for in equivalent Dth of natural gas; however, the actual measurement of the inventory quantity will be conducted in accordance with Section 2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff.
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | page 6Sheet No 490.0.010/01/202149 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 1 FIRM LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 6. STORAGE AND DELIVERY CAPACITIES (Continued) 6.2 The Daily Delivery Capacity, less Gas Used by Great Basin pursuant to Section 5.2 above, shall be the largest daily quantity that Transporter is obligated to deliver into Transporter's pipeline system upon vaporization for the account of Shipper. 7. BOIL OFF GAS On any day when Shipper has not scheduled delivery from the LNG Plant, there may be a quantity of boil off gas that must be delivered into Transporter's pipeline system. The total boil off quantity shall be allocated among the Shippers under Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 pro rata on the basis of their respective liquefied natural gas inventories at the beginning of the month, and transported as part of each Shipper's scheduled quantity for such day. On days when the LNG Plant is in standby mode (i.e., performing no liquefaction or vaporization service for Shippers), the total boil-off quantity allocated will be net of any fuel consumed at the LNG Plant. 8. MEASUREMENT BASE Refer to Section 2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 9. HEAT CONTENT Refer to Section 3.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 10. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The General Terms and Conditions contained in this tariff are applicable to this rate schedule and are hereby made a part hereof.
Rate Schedule LGS-1 | ReservedSheet No 500.0.010/01/202150 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 50 - 54
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | page 1Sheet No 550.0.010/01/202155 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 2 INTERRUPTIBLE LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 1. AVAILABILITY This rate schedule is available as provided herein to any party (herein called "Shipper") for the liquefaction, storage and vaporization of natural gas by Transporter at Transporter's liquefied natural gas facility near Lovelock, Nevada (herein called "LNG Plant") for delivery to Transporter's pipeline system for transportation to Shipper's Delivery Point(s) on Transporter's system under the following conditions: 1.1 Shipper has made a valid request for interruptible liquefied natural gas storage service and has met the requirements set forth in Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff; 1.2 Transporter has determined that it has available capacity to render the requested service without construction of any additional facilities and without impairing service to Transporter's Shippers receiving firm services under other rate schedules of this tariff; 1.3 Shipper receives service on Transporter's system under a transportation rate schedule in this tariff; and 1.4 Shipper and Transporter have executed a Service Agreement in the form contained in this tariff for service under this rate schedule. 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE This rate schedule shall apply to the interruptible liquefied natural gas storage service rendered by Transporter to Shipper pursuant to the executed Service Agreement. 2.1 The basic service rendered under this rate schedule shall consist of the following, which shall be provided by Transporter on an interruptible basis: (a) The receipt and liquefaction by Transporter of Shipper's natural gas nominated to the inlet of Transporter's LNG Plant less Gas Used by Great Basin pursuant to Section 5 hereof; (b) The receipt by Transporter of liquefied natural gas (herein called "LNG") for Shipper tendered to the LNG truck unloading facility at Transporter's LNG Plant; (c) The storage of the LNG at Transporter's LNG Plant for Shipper in quantities not to exceed Shipper's applicable Storage Capacity under this rate schedule;
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | page 2Sheet No 560.0.010/01/202156 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 2 INTERRUPTIBLE LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE (Continued) (d) The vaporization of such stored liquid on demand by Shipper pursuant to Section 4.7(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff in quantities not to exceed Shipper's Daily Delivery Capacity; and (e) The delivery of equivalent quantities of natural gas, less Gas Used by Great Basin pursuant to Section 5 hereof, vaporized from Shipper's LNG inventory pursuant to Section 4.7(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff for Shipper into Transporter's pipeline system at the point of interconnection between Transporter's LNG Plant and its main transmission line. 2.2 The service provided under this rate schedule shall be interruptible and shall be subject to interruption at any time when Transporter determines that the total requests for service hereunder exceed Transporter's capability to meet such requests, or as provided elsewhere in this rate schedule, or due to operating conditions or conditions of force majeure on Transporter's system as set forth in Section 4.5 and Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. In the event of such interruption, Transporter shall provide service as follows: (a) Transporter shall provide Shipper with as much advance notice as is practical of any interruption of service; (b) Shipper's service under this rate schedule shall be interrupted to the extent necessary to enable Transporter to meet its service obligations to all firm Shippers and to all interruptible Shippers with a higher priority of service than Shipper. For Shippers under this rate schedule with equal priority of service, Shipper's service under this rate schedule shall be interrupted on a pro rata basis in proportion to the ratio of its nomination for the day of such interruption for service under this rate schedule up to its Daily Delivery Capacity hereunder to the total of all nominations for such day for service under this rate schedule; and (c) While Transporter shall not be responsible for any interruption that is due to Shipper's failure to adequately maintain its LNG inventory or to schedule the use of such inventory, Transporter, in the event of such situations, will permit Shipper to arrange for the transfer of inventory balance among the other Shippers, in accordance with Section 4.7(c)(5) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff.
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | page 3Sheet No 570.0.010/01/202157 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 2 INTERRUPTIBLE LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE (Continued) 2.3 Limitations on Availability of Service. Interruptible service under this rate schedule shall only be available to the extent that the injection, storage and withdrawal capacity designated for Rate Schedule LGS-1 firm service is not being utilized for such firm service. In particular, Storage Capacity for service under this rate schedule shall be available only to the extent that requests by Rate Schedule LGS-1 Shippers for utilization of such capacity have not been scheduled pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.7(a) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 2.4 Mandatory Vaporization and Withdrawal. Unless otherwise permitted by Transporter, Shipper must vaporize and withdraw from storage all volumes held in storage for or on behalf of Shipper under this rate schedule prior to April 1 of each year. In addition, if Transporter determines that storage capacity being utilized hereunder by Shipper is needed to meet Transporter's firm obligations under Rate Schedule LGS-1, Transporter shall require Shipper to vaporize and withdraw all volumes held in storage under this rate schedule by Transporter for or on behalf of Shipper within seven days; provided, however, if Shipper has arranged for transportation of its gas from the LNG Plant under a Rate Schedule FT-1 agreement and Transporter is unable to provide such related transportation, then such seven day period shall be extended by one day for each day Transporter is unable to render such transportation. Transporter shall not extend the seven-day period if Transporter is unable to provide the related transportation under a Rate Schedule IT-1 agreement. If Shipper fails to vaporize and withdraw all gas held in storage under this rate schedule by Transporter for or on behalf of Shipper prior to April 1 or within seven days upon receiving notice from Transporter, then title to any such remaining gas in storage shall be forfeited by Shipper, free and clear of any adverse claims. Such remaining gas in storage shall be treated by Transporter thereafter as Gas Used by Great Basin, and shall be credited to the calculation of Gas Used by Great Basin under Rate Schedules FT-1 and IT-1 and Section 4.2(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. Transporter shall be entitled to refuse to perform service under this rate schedule when Shipper cannot demonstrate to Transporter's satisfaction that Shipper will have the ability to remove quantities of LNG stored under this rate schedule when Shipper is requested to do so under this Section 2.4.
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | page 4Sheet No 580.0.010/01/202158 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 2 INTERRUPTIBLE LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 3. RATES Shipper shall pay Transporter each month an amount equal to the applicable Volumetric Charge multiplied times the average daily quantity of gas held in storage during the month under this rate schedule by Transporter for or on behalf of Shipper. The Volumetric Charge shall be set forth from time to time on the currently effective Sheet No. 11 of this tariff, which charge is incorporated herein by reference. Transporter may, from time to time and at any time selectively, adjust any or all of the rates stated above with respect to any individual Shipper or storage service in a manner which is not unduly discriminatory; provided, however, that such adjusted rate(s) shall not exceed the applicable maximum rate(s) or be less than the applicable minimum rate(s). Such discounts granted will not constitute a material deviation from Transporter's Form of Service Agreement, or Form of Amended Service Agreement. 4. MINIMUM BILL None. 5. GAS USED BY GREAT BASIN In addition to the charges set forth above, Shipper shall provide its proportionate share of the Gas Used by Great Basin in its day-to-day operations at the LNG Plant. Unless otherwise revised as a result of the annual audit described in Section 4.7(c)(2) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff, the daily quantity of Gas Used by Great Basin will be determined by the following: 5.1 LNG Liquefaction: Twenty one percent (21%) of the quantity liquefied on a given day. This factor shall not apply to LNG tendered for receipt into storage at the LNG truck unloading facility. 5.2 LNG Vaporized: Three percent (3%) of the quantity vaporized on a given day. 5.3 On days when the LNG Plant is in standby mode (i.e., performing no liquefaction or vaporization service for Shippers), fuel consumed in the LNG Plant's operations will be deducted from daily boil-off quantities.
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | page 5Sheet No 590.0.010/01/202159 Ver. 0.pdf RATE SCHEDULE LGS 2 INTERRUPTIBLE LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 6. STORAGE AND DELIVERY CAPACITIES Shipper's maximum contract entitlement quantities shall be specified in the executed Service Agreement between Transporter and Shipper providing for service under this rate schedule. Such quantities shall represent Transporter's maximum service obligations to Shipper under this rate schedule in the circumstances to which they are applicable. The individual entitlement quantities are as follows: 6.1 The Storage Capacity shall be the largest quantity of liquefied natural gas inventory that Transporter is obligated to hold at any time for the account of Shipper at its LNG Plant. The inventory quantities shall be accounted for in equivalent Dth of natural gas; however, the actual measurement of the inventory quantity will be conducted in accordance with Section 2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 6.2 The Daily Delivery Capacity, less Gas Used by Great Basin pursuant to Section 5.2 above, shall be the largest daily quantity that Transporter is obligated to deliver into Transporter's pipeline system upon vaporization for the account of Shipper. 7. BOIL-OFF GAS On any day when Shipper has not scheduled delivery from the LNG Plant, there may be a quantity of boil-off gas that must be delivered into Transporter's pipeline system. The total boil-off quantity shall be allocated among the Shippers under Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 pro rata on the basis of their respective liquefied natural gas inventories at the beginning of the month, and transported as part of each Shipper's scheduled quantity for such day. On days when the LNG Plant is in standby mode (i.e., performing no liquefaction or vaporization service for Shippers), the total boil-off quantity allocated will be net of any fuel consumed at the LNG Plant. 8. MEASUREMENT BASE Refer to Section 2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff.
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | page 6Sheet No 600.0.010/01/202160 Ver. 0.pdfRATE SCHEDULE LGS 2 INTERRUPTIBLE LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS STORAGE SERVICE 9. HEAT CONTENT Refer to Section 3.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. 10. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The General Terms and Conditions contained in this tariff are applicable to this rate schedule and are hereby made a part hereof.
Rate Schedule LGS-2 | ReservedSheet No 610.0.010/01/202161 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 61 - 69
GTC-1. Definitions | page 1Sheet No 701.0.002/01/202270 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Biogas: Raw gas substantially composed of methane that is produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. 1.2 "British Thermal Unit" or "Btu" means the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one (1) pound of water one (1) degree Fahrenheit from fifty nine degrees Fahrenheit (59ยบF) to sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60ยบF) at a constant pressure of fourteen and seventy-three hundredths pounds per square inch absolute (14.73 psia). 1.3 Business Day: Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Banking holidays for transactions in the U.S., and similar holidays for transactions occurring in Canada and Mexico. [NAESB WGQ 3.2.1] 1.4 Central Clock Time: Central Standard Time or Central Daylight Saving Time, whichever is currently effective. All times referred to in this tariff are Central Clock Time, except where specifically noted. Pacific Clock Time, where referenced, means Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Savings Time, whichever is currently effective. 1.5 Critical Notice: A notice that provides information on conditions that affect scheduling or adversely affect scheduled gas flow. [NAESB WGQ 5.2.1] 1.6 "Cubic Foot" means the volume of gas which occupies one (1) cubic foot of space when held at a base temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit and a base pressure of fourteen and seventy three hundredths (14.73) psia. 1.7 "Daily Reserved Capacity" is defined as the largest daily quantity of capacity that Transporter is obligated to make available to a Shipper for firm transportation under Rate Schedule FT 1 during the Winter Period. 1.8 "Day" or "Gas Day" is the time period from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Central Clock Time (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Pacific Clock Time). [NAESB WGQ 1.3.1] 1.9 "Dekatherm" or "Dth" is defined as equivalent to one million (1,000,000) Btus or one (1) MMBTU. One (1) Dth of gas shall mean the quantity of gas which contains one (1) Dth of energy.
GTC-1. Definitions | page 2Sheet No 711.0.002/01/202271 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 1. DEFINITIONS (Continued) 1.10 'Delivery Location' or 'DL' means any of several specific geographic areas served by Transporter's system in which certain Delivery Points are aggregated for purposes of nominating, scheduling, and allocating transportation capacity on a daily basis. The Delivery Locations are listed on Transporter's Internet website. 1.11 'Delivery Point' or 'DP' means a point at which Shipper or a Receiving Party on Shipper's behalf is designated by a transportation Service Agreement to receive physical deliveries of gas from Transporter. The Delivery Points are listed on Transporter's Internet website. 1.12 "FERC" or "Commission" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any successor entity having jurisdiction of this tariff. 1.13 "Gallon" means a unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measurement equal to two hundred thirty one (231) cubic inches or four (4) quarts. 1.14 'Gas' or 'Natural Gas' means any mixture of hydrocarbons or of hydrocarbons and non combustible gases, in a gaseous state, consisting essentially of methane or a mixture of propane and air. Such gas may be either in its natural state produced from wells, including casing head and residue gas, or after manufacture or other methods of producing synthetic gas, as defined in these GT&C. 1.15 "Gas Used by Great Basin" means system shrinkage associated with compressor fuel, power generation fuel, boiler fuel and lost and unaccounted for gas while Shipper's gas is in Great Basin's possession. 1.16 "Gross Heating Value" means the number of British Thermal Units produced by the combustion in a calorimeter, at constant pressure, of the amount of gas which would occupy a cubic foot as defined above, on a water free basis, with air of the same temperature and pressure as the gas, when the products of combustion are cooled to the initial temperature of the gas and air and when the water formed by the combustion is condensed to the liquid state, or by such other generally accepted method (e.g. gas chromatography) of determining heating value.
GTC-1. Definitions | page 3Sheet No 721.0.002/01/202272 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 1. DEFINITIONS (Continued) 1.17 'Internet website' shall mean Transporter's website which is available at www.GreatBasinGTC.com. 1.18 Intraday Nomination: A Nomination submitted after the Nomination deadline whose effective time is no earlier than the beginning of the Gas Day and runs through the end of that Gas Day. [NAESB WGQ 1.2.4] 1.19 'LNG Plant' means Transporter's Harold G. Laub liquefied natural gas facilities located near Lovelock, Nevada. 1.20 'Mcf' means one thousand (1,000) cubic feet of gas. 1.21 'MMBTU' means one million (1,000,000) Btus. 1.22 'Month' means a calendar month; provided, however, that month shall mean Transporter's normal business month for purposes of metering. 1.23 'NAESB' shall mean the North American Energy Standards Board. The term 'NAESB Standards' or 'NAESB WGQ Standards' shall mean the business practices, electronic communication, and data dictionary standards which have been issued by the Wholesale Gas Quadrant ('WGQ') of NAESB and adopted by the Commission. Citations in this tariff to specific NAESB WGQ Standards may be expressed in the form 'NAESB WGQ x.y.z.' 1.24 Nomination: A Nomination is a request from a Shipper to Transporter to schedule gas on its system. The level of information required to define a Nomination for communications purposes is a line item containing all defined components. [NAESB WGQ 1.2.1] 1.25 Nomination Day: The day prior to the Gas Day. 1.26 'Northwest' means Northwest Pipeline LLC. 1.27 An OBA is a contract between two parties which specifies the procedures to manage operating variances at an interconnect. [NAESB WGQ 2.2.1]
GTC-1. Definitions | page 4Sheet No 731.0.002/01/202273 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 1. DEFINITIONS (Continued) 1.28 An Operational Flow Order (OFO) is an order issued to alleviate conditions, inter alia, which threaten or could threaten the safe operations or system integrity of the transportation service provider's system or to maintain operations required to provide efficient and reliable firm service. Whenever a Transportation Service Provider experiences these conditions, any pertinent order should be referred to as an Operational Flow Order. [NAESB WGQ 1.2.6] 1.29 A Package ID is a way to differentiate between discrete business transactions. [NAESB WGQ 1.2.5] 1.30 'Great Basin' means Great Basin Gas Transmission Company, Transporter or Transportation Service Provider. 1.31 Pooling: (1) the aggregation of gas from multiple physical and/or logical points to a single physical or logical point, and/or (2) the disaggregation of gas from a single physical or logical point to multiple physical and/or logical points. [NAESB WGQ 1.2.3] 1.32 'Primary,' when used to describe a Receipt Point, Delivery Point, or Delivery Location, shall mean a Receipt Point, Delivery Point, or Delivery Location for which entitlement quantities of gas are specified in Shipper's firm transportation Service Agreement. 1.33 'Psia' means pressure expressed in pounds per square inch absolute. 1.34 'Psig' means pressure expressed in pounds per square inch gauge. 1.35 'Receipt Point' is defined as any of the points on Transporter's system where gas can be delivered into Transporter's system: (1) the Idaho Nevada Interconnection between Transporter and Northwest Pipeline LLC, also referred to as the "Owyhee Receipt Point"; (2) the Wadsworth Junction Interconnection between Transporter and Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company, also referred to as the "Wadsworth Junction Receipt Point"; (3) the interconnection at Opal Valley between Transporter and Ruby Pipeline L.L.C., also referred to as the 'Opal Valley Receipt Point'; (4) the interconnection at Ruby Pipeline's Wieland Flat Compressor Station between Transporter and Ruby Pipeline L.L.C., also referred to as the 'Jade Flats Receipt Point'; (5) the LNG Plant; and (6) the 'RNG Receipt Point(s)'.
GTC-1. Definitions | page 5Sheet No 741.0.002/01/202274 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 1. DEFINITIONS (Continued) 1.36 'Receiving Party', when such term is used expressly in this tariff, means the party who controls the facilities into which gas is delivered for Shipper. When used in the context of the NAESB Internet Electronic Transport Related Standards 10.Y.Z, the term 'Receiving Party' means any party that hosts (either in-house or outsourced) an Internet ET compliant server capable of receiving Internet ET packages. [NAESB WGQ 10.2.6] 1.37 Renewable Natural Gas ('RNG'): Renewable Natural Gas, also known as biomethane, refers to a portion of Biogas that has been purified to meet Transporter's gas quality standards and specifications. Sources may include landfill gas, dairies or feedlots, sewage treatment plants, and wastewater plants. RNG must conform to the gas quality specifications and testing/monitoring requirements in Section 3 of the GT&C and be free from bacteria, pathogens, and any other substances injurious to pipeline facilities or that would cause the gas to be unmerchantable. 1.38 'RNG Receipt Point' shall mean a 'Receipt Point' installed by Transporter for the express purpose of receiving RNG directly into Transporter's system. 1.39 'Reserved Capacity' means Daily Reserved Capacity or Summer Daily Reserved Capacity, whichever is applicable. 1.40 'Ruby' shall mean Ruby Pipeline L.L.C. 1.41 'Secondary,' when used to describe a Receipt Point, Delivery Point, or Delivery Location, shall mean a Receipt Point, Delivery Point, or Delivery Location for which no entitlement quantities of gas are specified in the Shipper's firm transportation Service Agreement. 1.42 'Service Agreement' shall mean the contract between Transporter and Shipper setting forth rights and obligations of the parties with respect to the transportation or storage of natural gas. 1.43 'Shipper' means a party which executes a Service Agreement with Transporter under one of the rate schedules contained in this tariff. 1.44 'Shipper's Agent' means any party Shipper may contract with for purposes of administering Shipper's Service Agreement with Transporter. An agent has only those rights designated in writing by such Shipper to Transporter. 1.45 'Summer Daily Reserved Capacity' is defined as the largest daily quantity of capacity that Transporter is obligated to make available to a Shipper for firm transportation under Rate Schedule FT-1 during the Summer Period.
GTC-1. Definitions | page 6Sheet No 751.0.002/01/202275 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 1. DEFINITIONS (Continued) 1.46 'Summer Period' means the seven (7) consecutive month period from April 1 through October 31 of each calendar year. 1.47 'Thermally Equivalent' means an equal number of Dth. 1.48 'This tariff' means Great Basin's effective FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1. 1.49 'Transportation' means the receipt of Shipper's gas at the Receipt Point(s), and the delivery of thermally equivalent quantities, less Gas Used by Great Basin, to Shipper or for Shipper's account by Transporter at the Delivery Point(s). 1.50 'Transporter' or 'Transportation Service Provider' shall mean Great Basin Gas Transmission Company. 1.51 'Tuscarora' shall mean Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company. 1.52 'Winter Period' means the five (5) consecutive month period from November 1 through March 31.
GTC- 1. Definitions | ReservedSheet No 760.0.010/01/202176 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 76 - 84
GTC- 2. Gas Measurement and Measuring Equipment | page 1Sheet No 850.0.010/01/202185 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 2. GAS MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT 2.1 Unit of Measurement and Basis of Measurement of Gas: The volumetric measurement base shall be one (1) cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of fourteen and seventy three hundredths (14.73) psia at a temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit. Such measured volumes, converted to Mcf, shall be multiplied by their gross heating value per cubic foot and divided by 1000 to determine Dth received and delivered hereunder. The unit of measurement for the purpose of balancing total receipts and deliveries of gas hereunder shall be one Dth. The data, procedures, reporting and equipment used to determine the quantity of gas measured shall be as follows: (a) Meters or Measurement Equipment: For the purposes of this section, meters or measurement equipment, as approved for use by Transporter, shall mean the primary measurement element (i.e., orifice plate, turbine meter, etc.) and appurtenant recording instruments and flow computers. Unless otherwise agreed, Transporter shall perform the measurement of the quantities of gas received into or delivered from an interconnect point on Transporter's system. (b) Atmospheric Pressure: The absolute atmospheric pressure used for volume calculations shall be the average atmospheric pressure determined by calculations based on the actual elevation above sea level of the meter at the place of measurement. (c) Flowing Temperature: The temperature of the natural gas flowing through Transporter's meter stations shall be obtained by means of measurement equipment of standard manufacture installed in accordance with industry standards as determined by Transporter. (d) Heating Value and Specific Gravity: The heating value and specific gravity of gas received and delivered hereunder shall be determined by means of either an on-line continuously monitoring gas chromatograph or by taking a gas sample which is analyzed in a laboratory using a gas chromatograph.
GTC- 2. Gas Measurement and Measuring Equipment | page 2Sheet No 860.0.010/01/202186 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 2. GAS MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT 2.1 Unit of Measurement and Basis of Measurement of Gas: (Continued) (e) Ownership of Gas Custody Transfer Measuring Equipment: Unless otherwise agreed, Transporter shall install, own, maintain and operate at points of receipt and/or delivery a measuring station properly equipped with the necessary metering equipment by which the quantity of gas received and delivered hereunder shall be measured. All installation costs (including a gross-up for applicable state and federal income taxes) associated with any new measuring station facilities which will modify Transporter's capacity to deliver natural gas will be borne by the affected Shipper. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the Receiving Party or Shipper may install, maintain and operate, at its own expense, on its own facilities, downstream of a Delivery Point, check measuring, pressure regulating equipment, gas compressors or other facilities as desired, provided that such facilities shall be so installed as not to interfere with the operation of Transporter's facilities. (f) Calibration and Test of Gas Meters: If either Shipper or Transporter shall at any time have reason to doubt the accuracy of any gauge, measuring device, or other appliance used in measuring the gas received or delivered, it shall notify the other in writing, and within a reasonable time thereafter the measuring device shall be tested in the presence of both parties. Shipper may request a retest of the equipment originally tested within 180 days of receiving the results of the testing, however, Shipper will bear the cost of the retest if the equipment is found to be accurate within one percent (1%). (g) Correction of Gas Metering Errors: If any measuring device used to obtain the quantity of gas received or delivered shall have been found on test to be in error by more than two percent (2%), the amount of gas which shall have been received or delivered during a period commencing not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of notification mentioned in Section 2.1(f) hereof shall be recalculated and corrected back to a zero percent (0%) error. (h) The cutoff for the closing of measurement is five (5) business days after the business month. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.7] In cases where actual data is missing or late, Transporter will use an estimate. Transporter will treat any difference between actual data and estimated data as a prior period adjustment. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.13]
GTC- 2. Gas Measurement and Measuring Equipment | page 3Sheet No 870.0.010/01/202187 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 2. GAS MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT 2.1 Unit of Measurement and Basis of Measurement of Gas: (Continued) (i) Transporter will treat measurement prior period adjustments by taking it back to the production month. A meter adjustment becomes a prior period adjustment after the fifth (5th) business day following the business month. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.11] For reporting measurement prior period adjustments, Transporter will report it using a restated line item with new total quantity for the day and the month. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.12] Measurement data corrections will be processed within six (6) months of the production month with a (3) month rebuttal period. This standard shall not apply in the case of deliberate omission or misrepresentation or mutual mistake of fact. Parties' other statutory or contractual rights shall not otherwise be dismissed by this standard. Mutual agreement between parties, legal decisions, and regulatory guidance may be necessary to determine if the event qualifies for an extension of the above time periods. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.14] (j) Compressibility and Supercompressibility: The measurement shall be corrected for deviation from Boyle's Law using a method at Transporter's option on a not unduly discriminatory basis and in accordance with American Gas Association (AGA) Report No. 8, Compressibility Factor of Natural Gas and Related Hydrocarbon Gases (1994), as amended from time to time. (k) For reporting purposes, BTU conversion factors should be reported to not less than three (3) decimal places and pressure base conversion factors should be reported to not less than six (6) decimal places. For calculation purposes, not less than six (6) decimal places should be used for both conversion factors. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.10] Standardize the reporting basis for Btu as 14.73 psia and 60 degrees F (101.325 kPa at 15 degrees C) and dry. Standardize the reporting basis for gigacalorie as 1.035646 Kg/cm2 at 15.6 degrees C and dry. Standardize the reporting basis for gas volumes as cubic foot at standard conditions of 14.73 psia at 60 degrees F and dry. For gas volumes reported in cubic meters, the standard conditions are 101.325 kPa at 15 degrees C and dry. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.9]
GTC- 2. Gas Measurement and Measuring Equipment | page 4Sheet No 880.0.010/01/202188 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 2. GAS MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT 2.1 Unit of Measurement and Basis of Measurement of Gas: (Continued) (l) The time limitation for disputes of allocations will be six (6) months from the date of the initial month end allocation with a three (3) month rebuttal period. This standard shall not apply in the case of deliberate omission or misrepresentation or mutual mistake of fact. Parties' other statutory or contractual rights shall not otherwise be diminished by this standard. Mutual agreement between parties, legal decisions, and regulatory guidance may be necessary to determine if the event qualifies for an extension of the above time periods. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.26] 2.2 Unit of Measurement and Basis of Measurement of Liquefied Natural Gas in Storage: The measurement base for liquefied natural gas stored in the LNG Plant shall be Gallons which shall be converted to Dth as follows: The quantity of liquefied natural gas stored at the LNG Plant shall be obtained by a liquid level measurement device that determines the linear feet of liquid in storage. By use of the appropriate tank table the linear feet of liquid will be converted to Gallons and such Gallons of liquid will be converted to Dth by the application of the Dth per Gallon conversion factor that is determined at the time of the material balance audit specified in Section 4.7(c)(2) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff.
GTC- 2. Gas Measurement and Measuring Equipment | ReservedSheet No 890.0.010/01/202189 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 89 - 94
GTC- 3. Quality | page 1Sheet No 951.0.002/01/202295 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 3. QUALITY 3.1(a) Quality of Gas Tendered by Shipper to Transporter at the Receipt Point(s): All gas tendered by Shipper to Transporter at the Receipt Point(s) shall conform to the following specifications: (1) Liquids: The hydrocarbon dew point of the gas tendered shall not exceed fifteen (15) degrees Fahrenheit as calculated from the gas composition and shall be free from hydrocarbons and water in their liquid state at the temperature and pressure delivered. (2) Hydrogen Sulfide and Total Sulfur: The gas shall contain not more than one quarter (0.25) grain of hydrogen sulfide per one hundred (100) cubic feet and not more than ten (10) grains total sulfur per one hundred (100) cubic feet. (3) Carbon Dioxide: The gas shall contain not more than two percent (2%) by volume of carbon dioxide, except as otherwise provided in Section 3.5. (4) Dust, Gums, Etc.: The gas shall be commercially free of objectionable odors (excluding odorant added to natural gas for safety reasons or to comply with federal regulations), solid matter, dust, dirt, impurities, gums, and gum forming constituents, or any other substance which interferes with the intended purpose of merchantability of the gas, or causes interference with the proper and safe operation of the pipelines, meters, regulators, or other appliances through which it may flow. (5) Heating Value: The total gross heating value of the gas tendered to Transporter hereunder shall not be less than 975 Btus per cubic foot. (6) Oxygen: The gas shall not contain in excess of two tenths of one percent (0.2%) by volume of oxygen, except as otherwise provided in Section 3.5. The parties agree to exercise every reasonable effort to keep the gas completely free of oxygen. (7) Inerts: The gas shall not contain more than a combined total of three percent (3%) by volume of inerts including, but not limited to, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen, except as otherwise provided in Section 3.1(b) and Section 3.5.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 2Sheet No 961.0.002/01/202296 Ver. 1.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 3. QUALITY (Continued) 3.1(a)Quality of Gas Tendered by Shipper to Transporter at the Receipt Point(s): (Continued) (8) Temperature: The temperature of the gas tendered to Transporter hereunder shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit. (9) Water Vapor: The gas tendered shall not contain more than seven (7) pounds of water in vapor phase per one million (1,000,000) cubic feet. (10) Toxic or Hazardous Substance: The gas shall not contain any toxic or hazardous substance in concentrations which, in the normal use of the gas, may be hazardous to health, injurious to pipeline facilities, or be a limit to merchantability or be contrary to applicable government standards. (11) Bacteria: The gas, including any associated liquids, shall be commercially-free of any microbiological organism, active bacteria or bacterial agent capable of causing or contributing to: (i) injury to Transporter's pipelines, meters, regulators, or other facilities and appliances through which such gas flows or (ii) interference with the proper operation of Transporter's facilities. Microbiological organisms include, but are not limited to, sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), acid producing bacteria (ACB), and iron-oxidizing bacteria (IOB). When bacteria or microbiological organisms are considered a possibility, Shipper(s) desiring to nominate such gas, upon Transporter's request, shall cause such gas to be tested for bacteria or bacterial agents utilizing the qPCR/GTI test or other acceptable test method as determined by both parties. Commercially-free is defined as containing no more than 4x104/scf. 3.1(b) Quality of RNG received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter: (1) RNG delivered into Transporter's system at an RNG Receipt Point shall conform to the gas quality specifications set forth in Section 3.1(a) except when Transporter, in its reasonable judgment, determines it can accept RNG: (a) containing not more than a combined total of four percent (4%) by volume of inerts including, but not limited to, carbon dioxide (2% maximum), nitrogen (3% maximum), and oxygen (0.2% maximum); and/or (b) with a total gross heating value of not less than 950 Btu, provided that, in Transporter's reasonable judgment, Transporter can meet the requirements of Section 3.2 of the Tariff. RNG delivered into Transporter's system at an RNG Receipt Point shall be delivered at a temperature no less than forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit nor greater than one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 3Sheet No 972.0.004/01/202297 Ver. 2.pdf3. QUALITY (Continued) 3.1(b) Quality of Gas received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter (cont.) (2) RNG delivered into Transporter's system at an RNG Receipt Point shall not contain any of the following health protective constituents at levels greater than the maximum levels listed. The RNG provider must test periodically for the applicable constituents (based on the RNG source) shown in the table below and as required by Section 3.1(b)(5) of this Tariff. Constituent Maximum Allowable Dairy Landfill Water and Sewage Treatment Arsenic 0.48 mg/m3 (0.15 ppmv) X p-Dichlorobenzenes 140 mg/m3 (24 ppmv) X X Ethylbenzene 650 mg/m3 (150 ppmv) X X X n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 0.81 mg/m3 (0.15 ppmv) X X Vinyl Chloride 21 mg/m3 (8.3 ppmv) X X Antimony 30 mg/m3 (6.1 ppmv) X Copper 3.0 mg/m3 (1.2 ppmv) X Lead 3.8 mg/m3 (0.44 ppmv) X Methacrolein 53 mg/m3 (18 ppmv) X Alkyl Thiols (Mercaptans) (610 ppmv) X X X Toluene 45,000 mg/m3 (12,000 ppmv) X X X (3) RNG delivered into Transporter's system at an RNG Receipt Point shall not contain any of the following pipeline integrity protective constituents at levels greater than the maximum levels listed. The RNG provider must test periodically as required by Section 3.1(b)(5) of this Tariff. (a)Siloxanes: 0.1 mg Si/m3 (b)Ammonia: 0.001% (c)Hydrogen: 0.1% (d)Mercury: 0.08 mg/m3
GTC- 3. Quality | page 4Sheet No 982.0.004/01/202298 Ver. 2.pdf3. QUALITY (Continued) 3.1(b) Quality of Gas received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter (cont.) (4) Transporter prohibits the delivery of RNG to Transporter's Receipt Points from any landfill permitted under the Resource Conservation Recovery Act Subtitle C (42 U.S.C. ยง 6921 ยง 6932), as amended, whether by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or by a state under a program authorized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Hazardous Waste Landfills). A Hazardous Waste Landfill includes all continuous land and structures, and other appurtenances and improvements, on the land used for the treatment, transfer, storage, resource recovery, disposal or recycling hazardous waste management units, or combinations of these units. Any party that tenders RNG to Transporter at an RNG Receipt Point shall certify in writing to Transporter that the RNG is not being produced from landfill gas collected from a Hazardous Waste Landfill before the RNG is delivered into Transporter's pipeline system. If the source of the RNG changes after the certification provided above, the party shall provide a new certification to Transporter in accordance with this section. If a party certifies that RNG it tenders to Transporter is not produced from a Hazardous Waste Landfill, and a landfill that is the source of the RNG is subsequently designated as a Hazardous Waste Landfill, the party shall not tender to Transporter any additional RNG from that source after such designation. (5) Testing Procedures. Testing by Connecting Party and Transporter shall be performed to assess whether the RNG conforms to the gas quality limits specified in Section 3.1(b) using two methods, lab testing or onsite analysis. Lab testing will be utilized during Design Testing and Periodic Testing. Onsite analysis will be utilized during Continuous Monitoring. Both methods may be utilized during Pre-Injection Testing. Connecting Party and Transporter shall reasonably agree upon an independent certified third-party lab(s) and testing protocols the Connecting Party will employ for sampling and lab testing. The costs associated with Baseline Testing, Pre-Injection Testing, Periodic Testing, and, if applicable, Continuous Monitoring by Connecting Party; and any required retesting or expedited testing are the sole responsibility of Connecting Party. Transporter shall be notified three (3) business days in advance of the RNG sampling for lab testing and have the option to observe the samples being taken. Test results will be shared with the Transporter within five (5) calendar days of the test results being received by the Connecting Party. RNG shall not enter Transporter's pipeline system until test results have been verified and accepted by Transporter, provided Transporter shall not unreasonably withhold, delay, or condition such verification and acceptance.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 4.1Sheet No 98-A0.0.004/01/202298-A Ver. 0.pdf3.1(b)Quality of Gas received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter (cont.) Transporter's pipeline system until test results have been verified and accepted by Transporter, provided Transporter shall not unreasonably withhold, delay, or condition such verification and acceptance. Transporter, in its sole judgement, any perform discretionary gas quality testing. Samples for Transporter testing will be collected at the RNG Interconnect. Connecting Party will not be financially responsible for Transporter discretionary testing. Exemption Testing Connecting Party shall conduct testing of raw, unprocessed biogas for all gas quality limits listed in Great Basin's Tariff for the Biomethane source. Constituents identified as not being present or below detectible limits will be confirmed in a second test. Once confirmed, those Constituents will be exempted from Periodic Testing for a period of three years. Shipper will reconfirm all exempted Constituents every three (3) years, not to exceed 39 months, from the date of last confirmation. If those Constituents exempt from Periodic Testing are subsequently identified as being present or above detectible limits, they will no longer be exempted from Periodic Testing. Connecting Party shall notify Transporter within ten (10) business days if the biogas feedstock compensation changes. When changes occur, all exempted Constituents must be reconfirmed. Pre-Injection Testing Connecting Party must conduct two tests over a two-to-four-week period, with a minimum of seven (7) calendar days between tests, to confirm compliance with the gas quality limits identified for that RNG source prior to the injection of RNG into Transporter's pipeline system. If during pre-injection testing any results are found outside the established gas quality limits, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and restart Pre-Injection Testing. If all test results are found within the gas quality limits for two (2) consecutive pre-injection tests, the RNG may be injected into Transporter's pipeline system. Transporter may, in its sole discretion, waive some or all of the requirements in the Pre-Injection Testing procedure.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 4.2Sheet No 98-B0.0.004/01/202298-B Ver. 0.pdf3.1(b)Quality of Gas received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter (cont.) Periodic Testing Once the RNG is allowed to be injected into Transporter's pipeline system, Connecting Party will be required to perform the required periodic testing outlined below (i.e., Monthly Testing, Quarterly Testing, and Annual Testing) in order for the RNG to continue to be injected into Transporter's pipeline system. Monthly Testing Following successful Pre-Injection Testing and start of RNG injection into Transporter's pipeline system, Connecting Party shall conduct Monthly Testing, one test every calendar month, not to exceed forty-five (45) calendar days between tests, to confirm compliance with the gas quality limits identified for the RNG source. The first Monthly Test shall be completed no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the first RNG injection into Transporter's pipeline system. If during Monthly Testing any Carcinogenic or Non-Carcinogenic Constituents are found to not comply with the gas quality limits, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will resulting an immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. If during Monthly Testing any Pipeline Integrity Protective Constituents are found to not comply with the gas quality limits, Connecting Party shall have two (2) calendar days to make necessary adjustments and immediately re-test the RNG. If the re-test results do not comply with gas quality limits, or if Transporter determines, in its sole discretion, that any measured value may cause an unsafe condition, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will result in an immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. If all test results are found to be within the gas quality limits during Monthly Testing for three consecutive tests, without re-tests, Connecting Party may transition to Quarterly Testing. The Transporter may, in its sole discretion, waive some or all of the requirements in the Monthly Testing procedure. Quarterly Testing Following successful Monthly Testing, Connecting Party shall conduct Quarterly Testing, one test every third calendar month, not to exceed 105 calendar days between tests, to confirm compliance with the gas quality limits identified for the RNG source. The first Quarterly Test shall be completed no later than ninety (90) calendar days after the date of the last successful Monthly Test.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 4.3Sheet No 98-C0.0.004/01/202298-C Ver. 0.pdf3.1(b)Quality of Gas received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter (cont.) If during Quarterly Testing any Carcinogenic or Non-Carcinogenic Constituents are found to not comply with the gas quality limits, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will resulting an immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. If during Quarterly Testing any Pipeline Integrity Protective Constituents are found to not comply with the gas quality limits, Connecting Party shall have two (2) calendar days to make necessary adjustments and immediately re-test the RNG. If the re-test results do not comply with gas quality limits, or if Transporter determines, in its sole discretion, that any measured value may cause an unsafe condition, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will result in an immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. If all test results are found to be within the gas quality limits during Quarterly Testing for three consecutive tests, without re-tests, Connecting Party may transition to Annual Testing. The Transporter may, in its sole discretion, waive some or all of the requirements in the Quarterly Testing procedure. Annual Testing Following successful Quarterly Testing, Connecting Party shall conduct Annual Testing. The first Annual Test shall be completed no later than three hundred and sixty-five (365) calendar days after the date of the last successful Quarterly Test. Following a successful Annual Test, future Annual Tests (one test per calendar year) must be completed annually, not less than ten (10) months nor more than thirteen (13) months between tests, to confirm compliance with the gas quality limits identified for the RNG source. If during Annual Testing any Carcinogenic or Non-Carcinogenic Constituents are found to not comply with the gas quality limits, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will resulting an immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. If during Annual Testing any Pipeline Integrity Protective Constituents are found to not comply with the gas quality limits, Connecting Party shall have two (2) calendar days to make necessary adjustments and immediately re-test the RNG. If the re-test results do not comply with gas quality limits, or if Transporter
GTC- 3. Quality | page 4.4Sheet No 98-D0.0.004/01/202298-D Ver. 0.pdf3.1(b)Quality of Gas received at RNG Receipt Point by Transporter (cont.) determines, in its sole discretion, that any measured value may cause an unsafe condition, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will result in an immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. The Transporter may, in its sole discretion, waive some or all of the requirements in the Annual Testing procedure. Continuous Monitoring Analysis equipment may be installed to continuously monitor BTU, Oxygen, Nitrogen, CO2, Total Inerts, Total Sulfur, Hydrogen Sulfide, Temperature, Hydrocarbon Dewpoint, Water Content and other constituents. No periodic testing is required for those constituents that are continuously monitored. If any continuous monitoring results are found not to comply with the gas quality limits during successive reads, the RNG cannot be injected into Transporter's pipeline system and will result in the immediate shut-in of the RNG supply. Connecting Party shall make necessary modifications and will return to Pre-Injection Testing. Transporter may, in its sole discretion, waive some or all of the requirements in the Continuous Testing procedure. 3.2 Quality of Gas Delivered by Transporter at the Delivery Point(s): All gas delivered by Transporter to Shipper at the specified Delivery Point(s) shall conform to the following specifications: (a) Sulfur Content: The gas shall not contain more than one quarter (0.25) of one (1) grain of hydrogen sulfide nor more than ten (10) grains of total sulfur per one hundred (100) cubic feet. (b) Impurities: The gas shall be commercially free of objectionable odors (excluding odorant added to natural gas for safety reasons or to comply with federal regulations), solid matter, dust, gums, and gum forming constituents, or any other substance which interferes with the intended purpose of merchantability of the gas, or causes interference with the proper and safe operation of the pipelines, meters, regulators, or other appliances through which it may flow.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 5Sheet No 990.0.002/01/202299 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 3. QUALITY (Continued) 3.2 Quality of Gas delivered by Transporter at Delivery Point (cont.) (c) Liquids: The gas shall be free of water and hydrocarbons in liquid form at the temperatures and pressures at which the gas is delivered. (d) Odorization: The gas delivered to each Delivery Point shall be odorized consistent with the parameters set forth in Section 192.625 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. As between Transporter and Shipper, Transporter shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide any warnings concerning the delivered gas, including but not limited to warnings on safe handling and use, appropriate engineering controls, or safe work practices. In the event Transporter elects to no longer inject odorant as described above, Transporter will issue a written notice to such effect to all Shippers and Receiving Parties at least twelve (12) months in advance of ceasing odorant injection. (e) Heating Content: Transporter is to tender delivery to Shipper only natural gas which is commercial in quality containing an average gross total heating value of not less than 975 Btus per cubic foot. 3.3 Determination of Gross Heating Value and Component Analysis. Transporter shall determine the gross heating value of the gas received at the RNG Receipt Point and its component analysis at reasonable intervals. Such determination, at Transporter's sole discretion, shall be made using an online chromatograph, by chromatograph analysis of a representative sample of gas taken in a continuous sampler, or by an analysis from an independent certified third-party laboratory as provided in Transporter's RNG testing procedures. Transporter, at its sole discretion, may also allow the use of spot samples. If at any time and for any reason either the party tendering the RNG or Transporter should question the results of any spot sampling, a redetermination shall be made and a redetermination procedure mutually acceptable to the parties shall be used; provided, however, if neither party questions such results within a period of sixty (60) calendar days following the determination thereof, then such results shall be deemed conclusive and binding upon the parties. Btu measuring equipment shall be maintained by Transporter at the RNG Receipt Point or other locations where gross heating value of the gas received at the RNG Receipt Point may be reasonably determined.
GTC- 3. Quality | page 6Sheet No 1000.0.002/01/2022100 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 3. QUALITY (Continued) 3.4 Failure to Meet Specifications. Transporter shall have the right, exercisable by giving written or oral notice to the party tendering the RNG to the RNG Receipt Point, to require the remedy of any failure to deliver gas in accordance with Section 3 of the General Terms and Conditions. Transporter may refuse to accept all or any portion of such gas in the event gas received at the RNG Receipt Point fails to conform to the specifications, as evidenced by: (a) the latest analysis derived from an on-line chromatograph or other testing equipment, (b) a sample taken mutually and analyzed by a chromatograph or other testing equipment, (c) a sample taken mutually and analyzed by an independent certified third-party laboratory, or (d) other verifiable evidence acceptable to Transporter. 3.5 Accepting Gas Which Fails to Meet Specifications. Transporter, in its reasonable judgment, may accept Gas or RNG that does not meet quality specifications on a non-discriminatory basis provided: (1) such acceptance does not jeopardize Transporter's ability to meet its obligations under Section 3.2; and (2) such acceptance occurs on a short-term basis. Transporter's acceptance of such Gas or RNG shall not obligate Transporter to accept subsequent Gas or RNG from the interconnecting party that does not comply with Section 3.1. 3.6 Gas Analysis Equipment After the in-service date of an RNG Receipt Point, if Transporter, in consultation with the interconnecting party, determines that any additional or modified Gas analysis or control equipment is needed to accurately monitor the quality of Gas received at the RNG Receipt Point and control the receipt of Gas failing to conform to the applicable specifications in Section 3 of the General Terms and Conditions, then the interconnecting party, at such Receipt Point shall install the necessary additional or modified equipment. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, if Transporter installs such additional or modified Gas analysis or control equipment, the interconnecting party will provide a contribution in aid of construction to Transporter for all actual costs incurred by Transporter and reimburse Transporter for any related income taxes.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 1Sheet No 1010.0.010/01/2021101 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES 4.1 Receipt and Delivery Pressures: (a) Receipt Point(s): Gas to be transported by Transporter under transportation rate schedules shall be delivered by Shipper to Transporter at the specified Receipt Point(s) at pressures necessary for the gas to enter Transporter's system, but which do not exceed the maximum allowable operating pressure of Transporter's facilities at such Receipt Point(s). Transporter is under no obligation to modify its line pressures to permit the entry of Shipper's gas into its system. (b) Delivery Point(s): Transporter shall attempt to deliver gas to Shipper at the Delivery Point(s) at such pressures as Shipper may request from time to time, but shall not be obligated to deliver gas at any pressure in excess of that specified in the executed Service Agreement. 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: The determination and reporting of the scheduled quantities each day for gas transported by Transporter shall be as follows: (a) Daily Nominating and Scheduling Procedures: Shipper or Shipper's agent shall be responsible for providing the information to Transporter necessary to schedule receipts and deliveries according to the timeline set forth in Section 4.2(a)(3) below. (1) All Nominations should include Shipper defined begin dates and end dates. All Nominations excluding Intraday Nominations should have roll over options. Specifically, Shippers should have the ability to nominate for several days, months or years, provided the Nomination begin and end dates are within the term of the Shipper's contract. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.5] Intraday Nominations do not roll over (i.e., Intraday Nominations span one Gas Day only). [NAESB WGQ 1.3.13] All Nominations should be considered original Nominations and should be replaced to be changed. When a Nomination for a date range is received, each day within that range is considered an original Nomination. When a subsequent Nomination is received for one or more days within that range, the previous Nomination is superseded by the subsequent Nomination only to the extent of the days specified. The days of the previous Nomination
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 2Sheet No. 1020.0.010/01/2021102 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) outside the range of the subsequent Nomination are unaffected. Nominations have a prospective effect only. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.7] Overrun quantities must be requested on a separate transaction. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.19] Ranking should be included in the list of data elements. Transportation Service Providers should use service requester provided rankings when making reductions during the scheduling process when this does not conflict with tariff based rules. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.23] When used, Package ID should be: a) supported for nominating and scheduling; b) mutually agreed between the applicable parties for allocations and imbalance reporting; c) supported for invoicing (sales and purchase); and d) mutually agreed for transport invoicing. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.24] Use of the Package ID is at the discretion of the service requester and if sent, should be accepted and processed by the service provider. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.25]. (2) Transporter will receive Nominations from Shippers for the transportation of gas and will schedule the transportation of Shippers' gas subject to the provisions of this tariff and the Shippers' Service Agreements. For all nominating, scheduling, and capacity allocation purposes, the Delivery Points on Transporter's system will be aggregated within defined Delivery Locations on the system. Each Delivery Location represents a specific geographic area served by Transporter's system. For each Gas Day, Shippers will nominate, and Transporter will schedule, the transportation of gas from Receipt Points to Delivery Locations, unless otherwise directed by Transporter. The Delivery Points and their associated Delivery Locations applicable to a Shipper's specific transportation service will be specified in the Shipper's Service Agreement. The Receipt Point(s) and Delivery Location(s) for which entitlement quantities of gas are specified in a Shipper's firm Service Agreement shall be referred to as Shipper's 'Primary Receipt Point(s)' and 'Primary Delivery Location(s),' respectively. Transporter will maintain on its Internet website a list of Delivery Locations and the Delivery Points included within each Delivery Location.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 3Sheet No 1030.0.010/01/2021103 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) Subject to the operational capabilities of Transporter's system on the Gas Day and the provisions of this tariff, Transporter shall schedule for Shipper on the Gas Day the lowest of the quantity (i) nominated by Shipper, (ii) confirmed by the applicable upstream pipeline(s), or (iii) confirmed by the applicable Receiving Party(ies). (3) The following standard Nomination timeline in Central Clock Time (with Pacific Clock Time in parentheses) shall apply for scheduling of receipts and deliveries [NAESB WGQ 1.3.2(i)-(vi)]: a. Timely Nomination Cycle (on day prior to gas flow) Nominations leave control of the Service Requester (SR) 1:00 p.m. (11:00 a.m.) Nominations are received by the TSP (including from Title Transfer Tracking Service Providers (TTTSPs)) 1:15 p.m. (11:15 a.m.) TSP sends the Quick Response to the SR 1:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m.) TSP receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties 4:30 p.m. (2:30 p.m.) SR and Point Operator receive scheduled quantities from TSP 5:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m.) Scheduled quantities resulting from Timely Nominations should be effective the start of the next Gas Day. b. Evening Nomination Cycle (on day prior to gas flow) Nominations leave control of the SR 6:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m.) Nominations are received by the TSP (including from TTTSPs) 6:15 p.m. (4:15 p.m.) TSP sends the Quick Response to the SR 6:30 p.m. (4:30 p.m.) TSP receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties 8:30 p.m. (6:30 p.m.) TSP provides scheduled quantities to affected SR and Point Operator, including bumped parties (notice to bumped parties) 9:00 p.m. (7:00 p.m.) Scheduled quantities resulting from Evening Nominations should be effective the start of the next Gas Day.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 4Sheet No 1040.0.010/01/2021104 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) c. Intraday 1 Nomination Cycle (on the current Gas Day) Nominations leave control of the SR 10:00 a.m. (8:00 a.m.) Nominations are received by the TSP (including from TTTSPs) 10:15 a.m. (8:15 a.m.) TSP sends the Quick Response to the SR 10:30 a.m. (8:30 a.m.) TSP receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties 12:30 p.m.(10:30 a.m.) TSP provides scheduled quantities to affected SR and Point Operator, including bumped parties (notice to bumped parties) 1:00 p.m. (11:00 a.m.) Scheduled quantities resulting from Intraday 1 Nominations should be effective at 2:00 p.m. (12:00 Noon) on the current Gas Day. d. Intraday 2 Nomination Cycle (on the current Gas Day) Nominations leave control of the SR 2:30 p.m. (12:30 p.m.) Nominations are received by the TSP (including from TTTSPs) 2:45 p.m. (12:45 p.m.) TSP sends the Quick Response to the SR 3:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m.) TSP receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties 5:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m.) TSP provides scheduled quantities to affected SR and Point Operator, including bumped parties (notice to bumped parties) 5:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m.) Scheduled quantities resulting from Intraday 2 Nominations should be effective at 6:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m.) on the current Gas Day.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 5Sheet No 104-A0.0.010/01/2021104-A Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) e. Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle (on the current Gas Day) Nominations leave control of the SR 7:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m.) Nominations are received by the TSP (including from TTTSPs) 7:15 p.m. (5:15 p.m.) TSP sends the Quick Response to the SR 7:30 p.m. (5:30 p.m.) TSP receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties 9:30 p.m. (7:30 p.m.) TSP provides scheduled quantities to the affected SR and Point Operator 10:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m.) Scheduled quantities resulting from Intraday 3 Nominations should be effective at 10:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m.) on the current Gas Day. Bumping is not allowed during the Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle. f. For purposes of subsections b., c., d., and e. above [NAESB WGQ 1.3.2(ii), (iii), (iv), and (v)], the word 'provides' shall mean, for transmittals pursuant to NAESB WGQ Standards 1.4.x, receipt at the designated site, and for purposes of other forms of transmittal, it shall mean send or post. (b) Scheduling of Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 During the Winter Period: During the Winter Period, Transporter will accept Nominations for gas to be delivered from the LNG Plant subject to the timing requirements set forth in Section 4.7(d)(1) hereof. Once the LNG Plant is in operation, Transporter will accept changes in Nominations by telephone every hour on the hour for the then current Gas Day, with corresponding changes to be reflected in the normal Nomination process during the next succeeding
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 6Sheet No. 1050.0.010/01/2021105 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) Nomination cycle. Any such hourly changes occurring after the Intra-day 3 Nomination Cycle will be entered by Shipper in Transporter's Nomination system at the beginning of the next Gas Day. Notwithstanding the above, any such Nominations during the Gas Day may not exceed the vaporization capability of the LNG Plant for the remainder of that Gas Day, nor shall the total of any Shipper's Nominations for such Gas Day exceed its Daily Delivery Capacity, except when Transporter so permits during emergency circumstances. (c) Allocation of Capacity for Scheduling by Shippers Under Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT 1: Subject to the provisions of this tariff, on any day a Shipper under Rate Schedule FT 1 is entitled to schedule up to its applicable Reserved Capacity (i.e., Daily Reserved Capacity or Summer Daily Reserved Capacity), as reduced by any such capacity which the Shipper is releasing that day pursuant to Section 14 hereof. All such scheduling of firm transportation capacity shall be subject to Transporter's determination of the total available pipeline capacity for such day at each Receipt Point, Delivery Point, and Delivery Location, and through any pipeline segment. In the event available pipeline capacity on a given day at any location other than the LNG Plant is less than the total quantity that all shippers nominate with respect to such location, then the following scheduling priorities shall apply: (1) First scheduled will be firm capacity nominated from a Primary Receipt Point to a Primary Delivery Location, allocated if necessary on the basis of primary rights as set forth in the applicable firm transportation Service Agreement(s). (2) Second scheduled will be firm capacity nominated from or to a secondary point but within the primary pathway, allocated pro rata based on total nominations if necessary on the basis of such secondary, in-pathway nominations.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 7Sheet No. 1060.0.010/01/2021106 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) (3) Third scheduled will be firm capacity nominated from or to a secondary point that is outside the primary pathway, allocated if necessary on the basis of such secondary, out-of-pathway nominations. (4) Last scheduled will be Authorized Overrun Gas and interruptible service. In the event sufficient capacity is not available to schedule all Authorized Overrun Gas as requested pursuant to Section 5.1(b) and all Nominations for interruptible service, Transporter shall schedule first all Authorized Overrun Gas and interruptible service which is being provided at the maximum rate applicable to such service, then it will schedule by the rate being paid, from highest to lowest. Service which is provided at the same rate shall be scheduled based on the pro rata share of such Shipper's nominated quantity to the total nominated quantities for such service for such Day. The allocation of the daily capacity at the LNG Plant Receipt Point will be in accordance with Section 4.7(d)(3) hereof. As used herein, the terms 'primary pathway' and 'in-pathway' mean the pipeline segment between a Shipper's Primary Receipt Point(s) and that Shipper's Primary Delivery Location(s). (d) Gas Used by Great Basin under Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT l: (1) Transporter shall notify Shippers not later than five (5) days prior to the start of each month of the quantity (percentage) of gas Shipper must cause to be tendered for Transporter's use during the month. System-wide Gas Used by Great Basin shall be expressed and assessed as a percentage of the quantities that Transporter schedules for Shipper for receipt by Transporter at the Owyhee, Opal Valley, Jade Flats and Wadsworth Junction Receipt Point(s), except for quantities transported from the Jade Flats Receipt Point to Delivery Location 8 ' Adobe. Transporter shall establish the percentage based on prior months' actual average daily usage, as adjusted for any over- or under-retention of such quantities of Shippers' gas which occurred during
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 8Sheet No. 1070.0.010/01/2021107 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) such prior months. Transporter shall have the right to adjust the percentage to reflect the actual quantity of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin, so as not to create an imbalance on Transporter's system. For quantities transported from the Jade Flats Receipt Point to Delivery Location 8 ' Adobe, Transporter shall establish a stand-alone percentage based on prior months' lost and unaccounted for quantities, as adjusted for any over- or under-retention of such quantities of Shippers' gas which occurred during such prior months. Transporter shall have the right to adjust the percentage to reflect the quantity of lost and unaccounted for gas, so as not to create an imbalance. In the interests of minimizing any volatility in the monthly percentages of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin and providing some degree of predictability for Shippers' gas acquisition planning purposes, Transporter will use the following parameters in establishing the monthly percentages of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin. For the months of October through March, inclusive, the average of the six monthly percentages of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin shall be no less than 0.8% and no greater than 2.4%; for the months of April through September, inclusive, the average of the six monthly percentages of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin shall be no less than 0.65% and no greater than 1.95%; provided, however, that the average of the six monthly percentages of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin may deviate from the above-prescribed seasonal ranges if (1) Transporter deems it necessary in order to avoid exacerbating its over- or under-retention of system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin or an imbalance between Transporter's system and an upstream pipeline system, and (2) Transporter first confers with its affected firm Shippers and explains in detail the reasons for such deviation. In no event will the system-wide percentage for any month exceed 3.0%. (2) On or before October 25 of each year, Transporter will provide to each firm Shipper a report presenting the following information for each of the prior twelve (12) calendar months:
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 9Sheet No. 1080.0.010/01/2021108 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) a. For transportation services, the aggregate quantities of natural gas (1) received into Transporter's system, (2) delivered from Transporter's system, (3) consumed as fuel in Transporter's transmission system operations, (4) lost and unaccounted for with respect to Transporter's transmission system operations, (5) scheduled for transportation under Rate Schedules FT-1 and IT-1; (6) retained from Shippers as Gas Used by Great Basin; and (7) forfeited by Replacement Shippers under Section 2.3 of Rate Schedule LGS-1 and by Shippers under Section 2.4 of Rate Schedule LGS-2. b. For LNG storage services, the aggregate quantities of natural gas (1) liquefied for storage, (2) vaporized for delivery into Transporter's transmission system (the quantity of gas vaporized where Transporter initiates vaporization without a Shipper nomination will be separately stated), (3) consumed as fuel during liquefaction and vaporization operations, as well as for plant operations (each quantity to be stated separately), (4) lost and unaccounted for with respect to Transporter's LNG storage operations, (5) stored in inventory at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month, stated in total working gas inventory owned by Shippers and total cushion gas inventory owned by Transporter, and (6) retained from Shippers as Gas Used by Great Basin, stated separately for liquefaction and vaporization operations. c. The imbalance quantities between Transporter and each upstream pipeline that delivers natural gas into Transporter's system, and the imbalance quantity between Transporter and its Shippers in aggregate, stated at the end of the month. d. Workpapers and other materials that explain the derivation of the percentage of Gas Used by Great Basin established for transportation services. All quantities of natural gas will be stated in dekatherms.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 10Sheet No. 1090.0.010/01/2021109 Ver.0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.2 Scheduling of Gas Receipts and Deliveries: (Continued) (e) Pooling: If requested by a Shipper or supplier on Transporter's system, Transporter will offer at least one pool. [NAESB WGQ 1.3.17] 4.3 Limitation Upon Transporter's Daily Transportation Obligation and Flexible Delivery and Receipt Point Criteria: (a) Daily Scheduled Quantity: The quantity of gas scheduled for Shipper on a given Day pursuant to Section 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff shall constitute the maximum quantity that Transporter is obligated to deliver to Shipper on such Day ('Daily Scheduled Quantity'). For a Shipper that is also a Receiving Party, any gas scheduled for Shipper and any third-party gas scheduled by Transporter for delivery to such Receiving Party's facilities shall be included as part of the Receiving Party's Daily Scheduled Quantity for the purposes of Sections 4 and 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. (b) Hourly Limitations: Transporter, due to the configuration of its pipeline system and in order to preserve the operational integrity of its system, may need to establish a limit upon the hourly quantity that it can deliver at a particular Delivery Point. The hourly quantity shall be the quantity of natural gas delivered from the top of one hour to the top of the next hour. Any such limitation shall be specified in the executed Service Agreement between Shipper and Transporter, and shall be set forth below: Maximum Daily Maximum Hourly Point of Delivery Quantity (Dth) Quantity (Dth) Tracy Power Generator 53,982 2,249 Fort Churchill Power Generator 54,826 2,284 South Lake Tahoe City Gate 21,821 1,144
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 11Sheet No. 1100.0.010/01/2021110 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.3 Limitation Upon Transporter's Daily Transportation Obligation and Flexible Delivery and Receipt Point Criteria: (Continued) (c) Firm transportation shippers on Transporter's system will be permitted to change Delivery Points or Receipt Points as described below: (1) Permanent Changes to Primary Receipt Points, Primary Delivery Locations, and Delivery Points: If there is unsubscribed firm delivery capacity available at a Delivery Point and within that point's Delivery Location (i.e., physical delivery capacity that in Transporter's determination is not committed to any Shipper under a firm transportation Service Agreement), a Shipper may move primary rights to that Delivery Point and its associated Delivery Location on a permanent basis to the extent of such unsubscribed capacity, provided that Transporter has also determined that there is sufficient firm transportation capacity to permit the change. If there is unsubscribed firm receipt capacity available at a Receipt Point (i.e., physical receipt capacity that in Transporter's determination is not committed to any Shipper under a firm transportation Service Agreement), a Shipper may move primary rights to that Receipt Point on a permanent basis to the extent of such unsubscribed capacity, provided that Transporter has also determined that there is sufficient firm transportation capacity to permit the change. a. Requests for permanent changes in Primary Receipt Points or Primary Delivery Locations and Delivery Points may be made by using the standard form set forth in Section 25.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. Such changes must be for a minimum term of one (1) day. Requests by a firm Shipper to make such changes, and Transporter's acceptance of such changes, will be posted on Transporter's Internet website. Requests to permanently change Primary Receipt or Primary Delivery Locations and Delivery Points must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. (10:00 a.m. Pacific Clock Time) the day prior to the normal scheduling of gas.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 12Sheet No. 1110.0.010/01/2021111 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.3 Limitation Upon Transporter's Daily Transportation Obligation and Flexible Delivery and Receipt Point Criteria: (Continued) (2) A firm Shipper may designate as a 'Secondary Delivery Location' any Delivery Location it desires, but service to such Shipper at such Delivery Location shall be subordinate to the firm capacity rights of the firm Shipper(s) who have Primary Delivery Location rights at such Delivery Location. A firm Shipper may designate as a 'Secondary Receipt Point' any Receipt Point it desires, but service to such Shipper at such a Receipt Point shall be subordinate to the firm capacity rights of the firm Shipper(s) who have Primary Receipt Point rights at such point. Service to a firm Shipper at a Secondary Delivery Location or at a Secondary Receipt Point that is located outside of the capacity pathway between such Shipper's Primary Delivery Locations and Primary Receipt Points shall also be subordinate to the firm capacity rights of a firm Shipper who is using a Secondary Delivery Location or a Secondary Receipt Point that is located within the capacity pathway between its Primary Delivery Locations and Primary Receipt Points. Deliveries to Secondary Delivery Locations shall not be permitted to reduce downstream deliveries to another firm Shipper at its Primary Delivery Locations. Receipts from Secondary Receipt Points shall not be permitted to reduce receipts by another firm Shipper at its Primary Receipt Points. Use of Secondary Receipt Point(s)/Delivery Location(s) will be accommodated on a daily basis through the normal gas scheduling process. (3) Under no circumstances shall a firm Shipper's use of flexible Delivery Locations or Receipt Points allow such Shipper to receive deliveries of gas on any day in excess of its Daily Reserved Capacity or Summer Daily Reserved Capacity, whichever is applicable. 4.4 [Reserved]
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 13Sheet No. 1120.0.010/01/2021112 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.5 Interruptions or Curtailment of Service: (a) Tests and Repairs: Transporter shall have the right to curtail or interrupt the transportation of gas for Shipper when necessary to test, alter, modify, enlarge, maintain or repair any facility or property comprising a part of, or appurtenant to, Transporter's pipeline system, or otherwise related to the operation thereof. Transporter shall endeavor to cause a minimum of disruption to Shipper because of such interruptions. (b) Operational Control: Transporter shall retain full operational control of its pipeline system and shall at all times be entitled to schedule receipts and deliveries and to operate its pipeline system in a manner which is consistent with the obligations and operating limitations set forth in Sections 2 and 5 of Rate Schedule FT 1, Section 2 of Rate Schedule IT 1, Sections 2 and 6 of Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 and Sections 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff, as such obligations and limitations may exist from time to time on Transporter's system, or which is necessary to protect the system's integrity. (c) Unscheduled Interruption or Curtailment: In the event unscheduled interruption or curtailment of transportation services due to operating conditions or force majeure pursuant to this Section 4.5 or Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff becomes necessary during the Day, Transporter shall issue an Operational Flow Order (OFO) restricting deliveries of gas to all shippers affected by the event and the Available Delivery Quantity (ADQ) for such shippers will be allocated among them as follows: (1) The ADQ shall be determined by Transporter. (2) If the ADQ is less than the total of all Shippers' scheduled firm quantities under Transporter's transportation Rate Schedule FT-1, the ADQ will be allocated to such firm service Shippers on the affected portion of Transporter's system pro rata based on each such Shipper's scheduled firm quantity for such day.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 14Sheet No. 1130.0.010/01/2021113 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.5 Interruptions or Curtailment of Service: (Continued) (3) If the ADQ is greater than the total of all Shippers' scheduled firm quantities under Transporter's transportation rate schedules, but less than the capacity needed to meet the total of all Shippers' scheduled quantities under all of Transporter's transportation rate schedules, the remaining ADQ will be allocated to Authorized Overrun Gas Shippers and Shippers under Rate Schedule IT 1 in the same manner as the scheduling priorities set forth in Section 4.2(c)(4) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. (4) Any quantity taken by a Shipper that exceeds such Shipper's assigned portion of the ADQ shall be considered a Scheduling Overrun and subject to penalties pursuant to Section 5.2(a) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. (5) To the extent Transporter deems it necessary to protect system integrity Transporter may take action to prevent the physical flow of gas to a Shipper that exceeds that Shipper's assigned portion of the ADQ. 4.6 Operational Flow Order Procedures Transporter may determine at any time in its sole judgment that overruns, underruns, disruptions on Transporter's system, or disruptions upstream of Transporter's system may jeopardize the operational integrity of its system or result in penalties from an upstream pipeline, and may issue an Operational Flow Order (OFO) to alleviate the condition. In the event that Transporter issues an OFO, Transporter will provide notice of the OFO to all affected Shippers by electronic mail or telephone at the earliest possible time, and will post the notice on its Internet website as soon as practicable. Transporter will make reasonable efforts to notify Shippers that an operational problem is developing which could potentially necessitate the issuance of an OFO. Each Shipper shall designate an operational contact for Transporter to notify on a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year basis. If Transporter is unable to notify any Shipper because that Shipper's contact is unavailable, such Shipper shall be solely responsible for any consequences arising from such failure of communication. Each notice of an OFO will contain the following information:
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 15Sheet No. 1140.0.010/01/2021114 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.6 Operational Flow Orders (Continued) (1) time and date of issuance; (2) time that the OFO is considered to be effective; (3) duration or best estimate of the duration of the OFO (if none is specified, the OFO will be effective until further notice); (4) the party or parties receiving the OFO; (5) description of conditions causing the issuance of the OFO; (6) specific action necessary to remedy the conditions identified in (5) above; (7) any other terms that Transporter may reasonably require to ensure the effectiveness of the OFO; and (8) a statement that compliance with the OFO must commence immediately, at the beginning of the next Gas Day, or at some other specified time. After an OFO has been lifted, Transporter will post on its Internet website a report providing information on the factors that caused the OFO to be issued and then lifted. 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 Service: Transporter shall retain full operational control of its LNG Plant and shall schedule receipts and deliveries, including the receipt of liquefied natural gas (herein called 'LNG') by truck, and at all times be entitled to operate the LNG Plant in a manner which is consistent with the obligations and operating conditions and limitations set forth elsewhere in this tariff, as such obligations and operating conditions and limitations may exist from time to time on Transporter's system. In addition to the other provisions of this tariff, the following terms and conditions shall apply specifically to the operation by Transporter of its LNG Plant:
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 16Sheet No. 1150.0.010/01/2021115 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 Service: (Continued) (a) Receipt of Gas at the LNG Plant: Except for LNG tendered by Shipper for receipt at Transporter's LNG truck unloading facility, which is addressed in subparagraph (b) below, natural gas nominated by Shipper on any day for delivery to the LNG Plant shall be gas that has been transported by Transporter pursuant to either Rate Schedule FT 1 or Rate Schedule IT-1 of this tariff. Transporter will accept gas from Shipper for liquefaction on any day during the Summer Period, operating circumstances permitting. Transporter may accept gas for liquefaction on other days if Transporter determines that such liquefaction will not adversely affect Transporter's operations or its service obligations to its other Shippers. Transporter's acceptance of gas for liquefaction shall be on a pro rata basis of Shipper's nominated quantity to the total quantity nominated for liquefaction on that day at the LNG Plant. Transporter shall provide the Shippers under Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 with a daily schedule of the total liquefaction quantity thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the Summer Period subject, however, to such changes as operating conditions may require. In scheduling the operation of the LNG Plant, Transporter, to the extent possible, will attempt to take into account all economic factors including gas supply and market conditions communicated to Transporter by the various Shippers. (b) Receipt of LNG at the LNG Truck Unloading Facility: (1) LNG tendered at Transporter's LNG truck unloading facility by Shipper on any day shall be LNG that has been transported by Shipper or Shipper's agent by truck to the LNG Plant. Transporter will accept LNG from Shipper or its agent for delivery by truck into the LNG storage facility on any day if Transporter determines that such deliveries will not adversely affect Transporter's system operations or its service obligations to other Shippers, or cause the Shipper's Storage Capacity, as specified in Shipper's Service Agreement under Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2, to be exceeded.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 17Sheet No. 1160.0.010/01/2021116 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 Service: (Continued) (2) Deliveries of LNG to the LNG truck unloading facility will be accepted beginning at 10:00 a.m. (8:00 a.m. Pacific Clock Time) and extend until 6:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. Pacific Clock Time) daily. Notice of deliveries to the LNG truck unloading facility must be provided to Transporter at least forty eight (48) hours in advance of such delivery. Notice of deliveries should be provided by contacting personnel at Transporter's LNG Plant, either by telephone at (775) 273-2694 or by fax at (775) 273-7642. If the Shipper declares that an emergency situation exists necessitating that deliveries of LNG to Transporter's LNG storage facility be accomplished sooner, Transporter, to the extent possible, will attempt to extend the LNG truck unloading facility delivery hours and decrease the prior notification time requirement. (3) Shipper shall ensure that all trucks making deliveries of LNG to Transporter's LNG truck unloading facility shall use a delivery route that exits the Interstate 80 highway at Exit 112 and then follows a route that runs southwest on Upper Valley Road, west on Fairview Road, south on North Meridian Road, and then west on Pitt Road to the LNG Plant. All such trucks shall also be required to use the same roads to return to the Interstate 80 highway. (4) As between Transporter and Shipper, Shipper shall be solely responsible for making all arrangements for having LNG transported by truck for delivery to the LNG Plant, and for ensuring compliance will all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to the transportation of LNG by truck. (5) LNG delivered by truck must be compatible with the LNG already in inventory at the LNG Plant. Transporter, in its sole determination, may refuse delivery of any LNG that is not compatible with the current LNG inventory in storage or that may cause operational difficulties at the LNG Plant.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 18Sheet No. 1170.0.010/01/2021117 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 Service: (Continued) (c) Storage of Liquid: The storage of LNG by Transporter shall be subject to the following: (1) Transporter shall operate the storage tank in a safe and reasonable manner. Subject to Section 4.10 hereof, any losses of inventory from the facilities shall be the sole responsible of the owner of the inventory. (2) The ownership of LNG in storage at any given time will be determined by good accounting practices subject to a material balance audit once each twelve (12) calendar months corresponding with the beginning of the Winter Period. a. Shipper's inventory at the LNG Plant will be equal to Shipper's natural gas nominated to the LNG Plant and liquefied, plus LNG tendered by Shipper to the LNG Plant at the LNG truck unloading facility, less: (1) the withdrawals of Shipper's gas and associated fuel, (2) the measurable boil-off and fuel attribution to Shipper, and (3) the allocation of any lost or unaccounted for gas determined at the time of the audit which is assigned to each shipper. b. The results of the audit and detailed workpapers of such audit will be provided to each Shipper within twenty (20) days of the completion of the audit. (3) Subject to this Section 4.7, Shipper shall be solely responsible for maintaining its inventory of LNG. Transporter will not permit a Shipper's inventory balance to become negative at any time. (4) Transporter will be permitted to use Shipper's inventory as Transporter determines necessary in the operation of its pipeline system, but only under the following conditions: a. Transporter deems the withdrawal of LNG necessary to protect system integrity; or
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 19Sheet No. 1180.0.010/01/2021118 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 Service: (Continued) b. Transporter has issued an Operational Flow Order (OFO) due to drafting on its system and the party(s) subject to said OFO has available inventory and, in Transporter's sole, good faith judgment, is in noncompliance with said OFO. In addition, Transporter will control the withdrawal of LNG inventory to provide adequate boil off from the LNG Plant until the commencement of the next Summer Period. This restriction on the use by Shipper of its inventory shall not prohibit the transfer of the inventory among the Shippers, as provided in Section 4.7(c)(5) hereof. If Transporter acts pursuant to a. or b. above, such withdrawal of LNG may be solely at the direction of Transporter or may be effectuated directly by Transporter in conjunction with an OFO. Any withdrawal of LNG pursuant to a. above will be applicable to all Shippers having available LNG inventory and will be recorded as scheduled to such Shippers' transportation account(s). Any LNG withdrawn by Transporter pursuant to a. will be allocated pro rata among such Shippers based on contracted Storage Capacity. Any withdrawal of LNG pursuant to b. above will be applicable to the Shipper(s) in noncompliance with the OFO and will be allocated pro rata among such Shipper(s) based upon each such Shipper's relative takes of gas in excess of its scheduled transportation quantities for the Gas Day of such withdrawal by Transporter. If, at the end of the Gas Day of such withdrawal by Transporter, no such Shipper has taken gas on such Gas Day in excess of its scheduled transportation quantities, then the quantities of LNG withdrawn by Transporter will be allocated pro rata among all LNG Shippers based on contracted Storage Capacity. If a Shipper's LNG inventory is depleted or becomes depleted as a result of the withdrawal, the remaining inventory withdrawn will be allocated pro rata to Shippers still having LNG inventory, based on their respective Storage Capacity. Transporter will waive any Scheduling Underrun charges or positive imbalance (underrun) penalties that may result from the accounting for the withdrawal volumes.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 20Sheet No. 1190.0.010/01/2021119 Ver. 0.pdf GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 Service: (Continued) (5) Shippers under Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 may transfer the ownership of stored LNG among one another, subject to the following conditions: a. The owner of the stored LNG notifies Transporter's dispatcher by telephone of the transfer of ownership prior to such transfer. Transporter will not recognize the change in inventory ownership for dispatching purposes prior to such notification. b. The original owner and the new owner will confirm such transfer of ownership in writing within three (3) days, and will provide Transporter with a copy of such documentation. c. Such transfer shall be subject to the rules and regulations of any governmental body of competent jurisdiction. (d) Vaporization and Delivery: The actual quantity of gas to be delivered from the LNG Plant at any time is equal to the quantity vaporized less the applicable Gas Used by Great Basin, as set forth in Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2, and is subject to the conditions affecting the operation of Transporter's entire system at such time, as follows: (1) The design vaporization capacity at the LNG Plant is 71,959 Dth per day. The design vaporization capacity quantity is stated in dekatherms, using an assumption that one dekatherm is equal to one Mcf of gas with a heating content of 1,028 Btu per cubic foot. It is recognized that the design vaporization capacity as expressed in dekatherms may vary from time to time depending upon the actual heating content of the LNG. Vaporization at the LNG Plant may require up to ten (10) hours of warm up time. The scheduling of LNG vaporization shall be subject to such start up period limitation.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 21Sheet No. 1200.0.010/01/2021120 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.7 Operating Procedures for Rate Schedules LGS 1 and LGS-2 Service: (Continued) (2) Transporter's LNG Plant was designed as a peaking facility to be used in vaporization mode during the Winter Period. During the Summer Period, the LNG Plant is designed to be in a continuous liquefaction mode for extended periods of time. It is inefficient to switch back and forth between liquefaction and vaporization, therefore, the LNG Plant will not be used to accommodate imbalances in transportation quantities. Shippers may nominate to schedule vaporization during the Summer Period, but only on an emergency basis. Transporter, at its sole discretion, will determine if a Nomination for vaporization during the Summer Period can be scheduled, based on the operational status of the LNG Plant, the time that would be required to place the LNG Plant into vaporization mode, and whether vaporization would otherwise adversely affect LNG Plant operations or Transporter's service obligations. Nothing in this subparagraph shall limit in any manner Shipper's right to tender LNG for receipt into storage at the LNG truck unloading facility subject to Section 4.7(b) hereof. (3) Shipper is solely responsible for scheduling the daily use of the service provided under Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2 within the parameters outlined in Sections 4.7(d)(1) and 4.7(d)(2) hereof. On any day when Transporter cannot accept all of the Nominations for service under Rate Schedules LGS-1 and LGS-2, service shall be provided first on a pro rata basis to LGS-1 Nominations in proportion to the ratio of the Shipper's Nominations to the total of the Nominations of all LGS-1 Shippers nominating, then on a pro rata basis to LGS-2 Nominations in proportion to the ratio of the Shipper's Nominations to the total of the Nominations of all LGS-2 Shippers nominating. (4) Transporter shall have the right to adjust Shipper's scheduling of vaporization and delivery of gas from the LNG Plant to reflect the withdrawal of Shipper's inventory pursuant to Section 4.7(c)(4) hereof. Transporter shall notify Shipper of any adjustment as soon as practical.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | page 22Sheet No. 1210.0.010/01/2021121 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. OPERATING PROCEDURES (Continued) 4.8 Arrangements Prior to Receipt and After Delivery: It shall be Shipper's obligation to make arrangements with other parties and make payments for delivery of gas into Transporter's system at the Receipt Point(s) and for receipt of gas after transportation to the Delivery Point(s). Shipper shall be obligated in such arrangements to require daily dispatching and operating coordination by such other parties with Transporter and access by Transporter to appropriate charts and records of upstream pipelines. Such arrangements must be satisfactory to Transporter. 4.9 Operating Information, Estimates and Records: Upon request of Transporter, Shipper shall from time to time submit its best estimates of the daily, monthly and annual quantities of gas to be transported or stored, including peak day requirements, together with such other operating data as Transporter may require in order to plan and schedule its operations. Transporter shall keep accurate records of the quantities of gas nominated and scheduled for transportation and any imbalances and those quantities nominated and tendered for liquefaction and nominated for vaporization, which records shall be made available to Shipper at its request. 4.10 Liability: This Section 4 shall not exempt Transporter from liability it may otherwise have to Shipper arising from negligence, gross negligence or intentional tort. 4.11 Other Procedures: Transporter reserves the right to impose temporarily, at any time and in a non-discriminatory manner, reasonable operating conditions upon the transportation or storage of Shipper's gas which Transporter, in its good faith judgment, deems necessary to protect the integrity of its system. At the earliest feasible time, Transporter shall provide notice to its Shippers of the imposition of, and the anticipated duration of, any such operating conditions.
GTC- 4. Operating Procedures | ReservedSheet No. 1220.0.010/01/2021122 Ver. 0.pdfReserved for Future Use Original Sheet Nos. 122 - 134
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 1Sheet No. 1350.0.010/01/2021135 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS 5.1 Daily Contract Entitlement Overrun: (a) Daily Authorized Quantity: With respect to service rendered under Rate Schedule FT 1 of this tariff, the Daily Authorized Quantity shall be equal to, during the Winter Period, Shipper's Daily Reserved Capacity, or, during the Summer Period, Shipper's Summer Daily Reserved Capacity, as set forth in the applicable Service Agreement(s) between Shipper and Transporter for such service, less any capacity released by Shipper on such day, and less system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin or lost and unaccounted for gas, as applicable. With respect to service rendered under Rate Schedule IT 1 of this tariff, the Daily Authorized Quantity shall be equal to the volumes scheduled by Transporter pursuant to the applicable Service Agreement(s) between Shipper and Transporter for such service, less system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin or lost and unaccounted for gas, as applicable. (b) Authorized Daily Overrun: In the event that a firm Shipper desires to schedule gas on a given day in excess of its Daily Authorized Quantity, Shipper may request permission from Transporter to schedule such gas in excess of its Daily Authorized Quantity during a Nomination cycle, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff. If Transporter determines, in its sole reasonable judgment, that sufficient capacity exists on its system for that day to permit Shipper to schedule the requested volume of gas in excess of its Daily Authorized Quantity without impairing Transporter's ability to operate its system facilities or to meet its other service obligations, then Transporter will schedule such gas as Authorized Overrun Gas on the same priority basis as interruptible transportation service. All Authorized Overrun Gas shall be subject to a charge equal to the scheduled quantity of Authorized Overrun Gas in Dekatherms multiplied by the sum of the maximum Daily Reservation Charge, the Usage Charge and any surcharges applicable to Rate Schedule FT 1. Scheduling and any subsequent interruption or curtailment of Authorized Overrun Gas shall be determined in conjunction with and under the same priorities as interruptible service, as set forth in Section 4.2(c)(4) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 2Sheet No. 1360.0.010/01/2021136 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.1 Daily Contract Entitlement Overrun: (Continued) (c) Unauthorized Daily Overrun: All gas taken by Shipper in excess of its Daily Authorized Quantity, without the advance permission of Transporter, shall constitute Unauthorized Overrun Gas. For a Shipper that is also a Receiving Party, any Authorized Overrun Gas scheduled for Shipper, any interruptible transportation gas scheduled for Shipper, and any third party gas scheduled by Transporter for delivery to such Receiving Party's facilities shall be included as part of the Receiving Party's Daily Authorized Quantity for the purposes of this Section 5.1. (1) For any Gas Day for which Transporter has not issued an OFO under this section, all quantities of Unauthorized Overrun Gas shall be subject to a charge per Dekatherm that is two times the maximum Usage Charge applicable to Rate Schedule IT-1 of this tariff. (2) For any Gas Day for which Transporter has issued an OFO under this section, Unauthorized Overrun Gas shall be subject to the following charges: a. For all Unauthorized Overrun Gas taken in excess of the Daily Authorized Quantity, but less than one hundred two percent (102%) of the Daily Authorized Quantity, an amount per Dekatherm that is two times the maximum Usage Charge applicable to Rate Schedule IT-1 of this tariff. b. For that quantity of Unauthorized Overrun Gas taken in excess of one hundred two percent (102%) of the Daily Authorized Quantity up to one hundred five percent (105%) of the Daily Authorized Quantity for such day, an amount equal to five dollars ($5.00) per Dth for such quantity. c. For that quantity of Unauthorized Overrun Gas taken in excess of one hundred five percent (105%) of the Daily Authorized Quantity for such day, an amount equal to ten dollars ($10.00) per Dth for such quantity.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 3Sheet No. 1370.0.010/01/2021137 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.1 Daily Contract Entitlement Overrun: (Continued) (3) Should Transporter collect any charges related to Unauthorized Overrun Gas, Transporter shall first retain an amount equal to the quantity of Unauthorized Overrun Gas times the maximum Usage Charge applicable to Rate Schedule IT-1 of this tariff to reflect the service provided, and then shall credit the residual amounts to all applicable Shippers in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.4(c). 5.2 Restricted Entitlement Events: (a) Restricted Delivery Transporter System (1) Applicability: This section applies to both firm and interruptible transportation service under Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT-1 when Transporter initiates general system entitlement restrictions to alleviate operating conditions or events which threaten or could threaten the safe operation or integrity of Transporter's system. Conditions or events that may trigger the imposition of restricted entitlements include, but are not limited to, unscheduled interruptions or curtailments of service, force majeure events on Transporter's system and/or the systems of upstream pipelines (such as pipeline, compressor, or storage facility failures), excess linepack drafting or packing, and unexpected extreme weather conditions. An explicit operational flow order (OFO) statement (verbal or written) by Transporter is required to activate this section. The OFO may be issued at any time during the Gas Day, using the procedures set forth in Section 4.6 of the General Terms and Conditions, and will be effective immediately unless otherwise specified. The OFO may be issued for either overrun or underrun situations and may be applicable to all Shippers or to individual Shippers taking more or less gas from the system than the quantities scheduled for delivery to such Shippers. Transporter shall specify in the OFO statement whether the entitlement event is an overrun or underrun entitlement.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 4Sheet No. 1380.0.010/01/2021138 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.2 Restricted Entitlement Events: (Continued) (2) Any quantity taken by Shipper in excess of its Daily Scheduled Quantity, as defined in Section 4.3(a) of the General Terms and Conditions, or in excess of Shipper's assigned portion of the ADQ, as defined in Section 4.5(c) of the General Terms and Conditions, if applicable, during an OFO period applicable to an overrun situation shall constitute a Scheduling Overrun. Any quantity taken by a Shipper less than the Daily Scheduled Quantity during an OFO period applicable to an underrun situation shall constitute a Scheduling Underrun. A Scheduling Overrun and a Scheduling Underrun are subject to the following penalties: a. No penalty shall apply to a Scheduling Overrun or Scheduling Underrun that is less than or equal to three percent of the Daily Scheduled Quantity (or Shipper's assigned portion of the ADQ, if applicable). b. A penalty of the greater of five dollars ($5.00) or two times the highest price receipt point for Northwest listed in Gas Daily (or a successor publication) shall apply to all Scheduling Overrun or Scheduling Underrun gas for each Dekatherm that is in excess of three percent and not greater than five percent of the Daily Scheduled Quantity (or Shipper's assigned portion of the ADQ, if applicable). This penalty will apply each day that Shipper fails to comply with the OFO during the OFO period. c. A penalty of the greater of ten dollars ($10.00) or four times the highest price receipt point for Northwest listed in Gas Daily (or a successor publication) shall apply to all Scheduling Overrun or Scheduling Underrun gas for each Dekatherm that is in excess of five percent of the Daily Scheduled Quantity (or Shipper's assigned portion of the ADQ, if applicable). This penalty will apply each day that Shipper fails to comply with the OFO during the OFO period.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 5Sheet No. 1390.0.010/01/2021139 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.2 Restricted Entitlement Events: (Continued) d. All Scheduling Overrun or Scheduling Underrun penalties shall accrue to the Receiving Party at the Delivery Points where gas is delivered. The total of all volumes scheduled to the Receiving Party's Delivery Points shall be compared with the total volumes taken from Transporter at such points to determine the quantity of Scheduling Overrun or Scheduling Underrun gas applicable to the Receiving Party in a., b., and c. above. (b) Restricted Entitlements by Upstream Pipelines (1) Applicability: This section applies to both firm and interruptible transportation service when an upstream pipeline has invoked a Declared Entitlement Period or similar tariff provisions limiting overrun or underrun quantities, and Transporter, as the receiving party, has incurred or may incur penalties from such upstream pipeline. Upon notice from the upstream pipeline of such invocation, Transporter will notify each Shipper, using the OFO procedures set forth in Section 4.6 of the General Terms and Conditions, that a Declared or Restricted Entitlement Period exists, and shall specify each period as either an overrun or an underrun entitlement such that only one penalty condition may exist at one time. (2) For each day of an overrun entitlement period, any quantity taken by Shipper in excess of its Daily Scheduled Quantity, as defined in Section 4.3(a) of the General Terms and Conditions, shall constitute a Scheduling Overrun, and shall be subject to a penalty, but only in the event that Transporter has been assessed penalties by the upstream pipeline for the Declared or Restricted Entitlement Period. In such event, Transporter shall recover from its Shippers an amount of penalty revenues equal to the amount that Transporter has been assessed by the upstream pipeline. Transporter shall allocate such penalty amount among
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 6Sheet No. 1400.0.010/01/2021140 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.2 Restricted Entitlement Events: (Continued) its Shippers on a pro rata basis, based upon each Shipper's total Scheduling Overrun quantity for the entitlement period compared to the total of all Shippers' Scheduling Overrun quantities for the entitlement period. The days during the overrun entitlement period in which the Shipper has an underrun will not be included in the calculation of that Shipper's total overrun quantities. (3) For each day of an underrun entitlement period, any quantity taken by Shipper that is less than its Daily Scheduled Quantity, as defined in Section 4.3(a) of the General Terms and Conditions, shall constitute a Scheduling Underrun, and shall be subject to a penalty, but only in the event that Transporter has been assessed penalties by the upstream pipeline for the Declared or Restricted Entitlement Period. In such event, Transporter shall recover from its Shippers an amount of penalty revenues equal to the amount that Transporter has been assessed by the upstream pipeline. Transporter shall allocate such penalty amount among its Shippers on a pro rata basis, based upon each Shipper's total Scheduling Underrun quantity for the entitlement period compared to the total of all Shippers' Scheduling Underrun quantities for the entitlement period. The days during the underrun entitlement period in which the Shipper has an overrun will not be included in the calculation of that Shipper's total underrun quantities. 5.3 Balancing: (a) Applicability: This section applies to both firm and interruptible transportation service under Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT-1. The balancing of amounts scheduled for receipt by Transporter and amounts delivered by Transporter at its Delivery Points shall be on a thermally equivalent basis, taking into account the portion of the gas received by Transporter that is system-wide Gas Used by Great Basin, or lost and unaccounted for gas, as applicable. Such balancing shall be achieved on a daily basis, recognizing reasonable operational variances.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 7Sheet No. 1410.0.010/01/2021141 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Balancing: (Continued) Imbalances shall accrue to the Receiving Party for the Delivery Points where gas is delivered. For each Gas Day, the total quantities of gas scheduled to the Receiving Party's Delivery Location(s) shall be compared with the total quantities of gas taken from Transporter at the Receiving Party's associated Delivery Points to determine a single imbalance quantity for that Gas Day applicable to the Receiving Party. For purposes of determining imbalance quantities, the quantities of gas scheduled on any Gas Day for Shippers who are not Receiving Parties will be deemed to have been delivered on that Gas Day. Each Receiving Party shall be subject to penalty payments as set forth below for any cumulative imbalances between quantities scheduled and amounts taken from Transporter at such Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s) that are outside the imbalance tolerance ranges set forth in Section 5.3(c). For administering and resolving imbalances at the respective Delivery Point(s) each Receiving Party must either (a) have at least one transportation Service Agreement with Transporter, or (b) designate a Service Agreement held by a Shipper for resolving imbalances as may be required. A Receiving Party shall eliminate any cumulative imbalance between amounts scheduled and amounts actually taken from Transporter at such Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s) within sixty (60) days after its designated Service Agreement is terminated. (b) Responsibility of Receiving Party: It is the responsibility of each Receiving Party to control, and if necessary, adjust amounts scheduled for receipt by Transporter at the Receipt Point(s) and amounts taken at Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s) in order to maintain a daily balance between the two quantities. Transporter shall not be obligated to receive or deliver gas in excess of the quantities scheduled for transportation to Receiving Party's Delivery Location(s). Transporter will monitor, to the best of its ability, amounts
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 8Sheet No. 1420.0.010/01/2021142 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Balancing: (Continued) scheduled and amounts taken at Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s), and based upon information available, notify Receiving Party of any imbalance situation which has occurred or may occur unless corrective action is taken. Upon notification, Receiving Party shall be obligated to adjust amounts scheduled and amounts taken to correct or avoid any imbalance. Any adjustment to amounts scheduled and amounts taken at Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s), whether or not pursuant to notification from Transporter, shall be coordinated with Transporter's gas dispatchers and shall be in accordance with Transporter's scheduling procedures. In order to balance quantities scheduled and quantities taken at Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s), Transporter shall not be obligated to accept quantities of gas or deliver gas to Receiving Party at points other than as originally scheduled and accepted by Transporter. (c) Receiving Party's Failure to Control Monthly Cumulative Imbalance: When a Receiving Party fails to control amounts scheduled versus amounts taken at the Receiving Party's Delivery Point(s) such that at the end of any month a cumulative imbalance exists, the following procedures shall be implemented: (1) If an upstream pipeline indicates that the total quantities delivered to Transporter from such pipeline during the month have created a cumulative imbalance such that cumulative delivered quantities are less than ninety five percent (95%) or greater than one hundred five percent (105%) of the total of the cumulative daily quantities scheduled for receipt by Transporter at the applicable Receipt Point under Transporter's Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT 1 at the end of that month, the following shall apply:
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 9Sheet No. 1430.0.010/01/2021143 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Balancing: (Continued) a. Any Receiving Party whose cumulative monthly imbalance falls outside a tolerance range of plus or minus five percent (5%) of the sum of the daily scheduled quantities for delivery to Receiving Party's Delivery Location(s) at the end of the month shall be notified by Transporter. Receiving Party shall have forty five (45) days after notification by Transporter to reduce its cumulative imbalance to a level that is within such acceptable tolerance range. The makeup of imbalance gas in the forty five (45) day period shall include any further monthly cumulative imbalance quantities incurred after the notification to Receiving Party through the forty fifth (45th) day. b. In the event the Receiving Party fails to reduce its cumulative imbalance as prescribed pursuant to Section 5.3(c)(1)a. hereof, Receiving Party shall be assessed a penalty, but only in the event that Transporter is assessed penalties by the upstream pipeline for a cumulative monthly imbalance. In such event, Transporter shall recover from its Receiving Parties an amount of penalty revenues equal to the amount that Transporter has been assessed by the upstream pipeline. Transporter shall allocate such penalty amount among its Receiving Parties on a pro rata basis, based upon each Receiving Party's remaining imbalance quantity that is outside of the tolerance range specified in Section 5.3(c)(1)a. hereof. (2) If the upstream pipelines indicate that the total quantities delivered to Transporter from each pipeline at the end of the month are within a tolerance range of ninety five percent (95%) to one hundred five percent (105%) of the total of the daily quantities scheduled for receipt by Transporter at the applicable Receipt Point under Transporter's Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT-1 at the end of that month, no penalties shall apply.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 10Sheet No. 1440.0.010/01/2021144 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Balancing: (Continued) (3) If the total quantities delivered by Transporter to a Receiving Party during the month have created a cumulative imbalance such that cumulative delivered quantities are less than ninety five percent (95%) or greater than one hundred five percent (105%) of the total of the cumulative daily quantities scheduled by Transporter for delivery to the Receiving Party under Transporter's Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT-1 at the end of that month, the following shall apply: a. Any Receiving Party whose cumulative monthly imbalance falls outside a tolerance range of plus or minus five percent (5%) of the sum of the daily scheduled quantities for delivery to Receiving Party's Delivery Location(s) at the end of the month shall be notified by Transporter. Receiving Party shall have forty five (45) days after notification by Transporter to reduce its cumulative imbalance to a level that is within such acceptable tolerance range. The makeup of imbalance gas in the forty five (45) day period shall include any further monthly cumulative imbalance quantities incurred after the notification to Receiving Party through the forty fifth (45th) day. b. In the event the Receiving Party fails to reduce its cumulative imbalance as prescribed pursuant to Section 5.3(c)(3)a. above, Receiving Party shall be assessed a penalty equal to $10.00 per Dth of any remaining imbalance that is greater than the five percent (5%) tolerance. (d) Transporter shall waive any penalty payments that may otherwise be due pursuant to this Section 5.3 for any imbalance caused by an event of force majeure, as defined in Section 6.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff, occurring on Transporter's system and which interferes with the receipt or delivery by Transporter of Shipper's gas. In addition, Transporter will waive any such penalty payments otherwise due from interruptible shippers and capacity release Replacement Shippers whose scheduled gas is bumped during a non critical period, for the day of the bump.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 11Sheet No. 1450.0.010/01/2021145 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Balancing: (Continued) (e) Imbalance Trading: At the end of each month a Receiving Party may trade its imbalance with another Receiving Party. Where an imbalance trading transaction results in an underpayment of transportation revenues to Transporter, Transporter will charge the amount of the underpayment to the Receiving Party who is responsible for the underpayment. Where an imbalance trading transaction results in an overpayment of transportation revenues to Transporter, Transporter will credit or refund the amount of the overpayment to the Receiving Party who made the overpayment. Any trading of Receiving Party imbalances must result in each Receiving Party's imbalance decreasing, but not beyond a zero imbalance level. (1) All imbalance trading will be conducted through Transporter's Internet website. If a Receiving Party desires to trade an imbalance, such Receiving Party must consent to Transporter's release of necessary information regarding the imbalance. (2) Receiving Parties that trade imbalances are responsible for making whatever arrangements they deem necessary to finalize and document the imbalance trade between them. (3) Transporter will not be responsible for eliminating any imbalances between Receiving Party and any third party. Furthermore, Transporter will not be obligated to adjust or deviate from its standard operating and accounting procedures in order to alleviate any such imbalances. (4) Transporter will provide notice of a Receiving Party's previous month's cumulative monthly imbalance no later than the 9th Business Day of the month. All imbalance trading must occur between the 9th and the 17th Business Day of the month. (5) For purposes of trading imbalances between the system and the Adobe Lateral at Delivery Location 8 - Adobe, the trade shall be adjusted for the difference between the system-wide Gas Used by Transporter percentage and the lost and unaccounted for gas percentage on the Adobe Lateral at Delivery Location 8 - Adobe for the month preceding the month in which the imbalance trade occurs. 5.4 General Provisions: (a) Scheduling Overrun, Scheduling Underrun and balancing penalties will be levied by Transporter against the Receiving Party into whose facilities gas is delivered.
GTC- 5. Overrun, Underrun, Balanc and Penalty Payment | page 12Sheet No. 1460.0.010/01/2021146 Ver. 0.pdfGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. OVERRUN AND UNDERRUN, BALANCING AND PENALTY PAYMENTS (Continued) 5.4 General Provisions: (Continued) (b) Unauthorized Daily Overrun charges and Scheduling Overrun, Scheduling Underrun and balancing penalties will be assessed in addition to all otherwise applicable charges under Rate Schedules FT 1, IT 1, LGS-1 and LGS 2. In the event that more than one of the charges or penalties specified in Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3(c) of the General Terms and Conditions are applicable to the same volume of gas, Transporter shall assess only one charge or penalty, which shall be the highest of such applicable charges or penalties, upon such gas. No imbalance penalty should be imposed when a prior period adjustment applied to the current period causes or increases a current monthly penalty. [NAESB WGQ 2.3.31] (c) One hundred percent (100%) of all net penalty revenues received by Transporter pursuant to Sections 5.1(c), 5.2(a), and 5.3(c)(3) of the General Terms and Conditions of this tariff will be credited to Shippers receiving service under Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT-1. Transporter shall first net against such penalty revenue any amounts that (1) it must pay to an upstream pipeline for penalties assessed to Transporter arising from a restricted entitlement or cumulative imbalance period as described in Sections 5.2(b) and 5.3(c)(1), where Transporter would have collected penalties under Section 5.2(b) and/or 5.3(c)(1) but for the application of Section 5.4(b), and (2) represent transportation service revenues to Transporter in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.1(c)(3). The credits will be allocated pro rata based on the total revenues received from each Shipper under Rate Schedules FT 1 and IT-1 during the calendar year, excluding revenues from ACA surcharges, compared to the total revenues received from all Shippers under Rate Schedules FT-1 and IT-1 during the calendar year, excluding revenues from ACA surcharges. Penalty revenue credits will be allocated only to those Shippers that were not assessed penalties on the day(s) for which such penalty revenues are to be credited. Penalty revenue credits will be reflected as a credit billing adjustment to each billing for March services for credits accrued during the prior calendar year.
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